Horror Movies on Disney Plus to watch with the family
Hey everyone and welcome to Owl Book World! Today I wanted to talk about horror movies on Disney Plus. Honestly, I think a lot of us don’t really think about […]
Free Streaming Services to save you money
If you’re anything like me then you probably think that there are way too many streaming services out there. After Netflix, it seems like they are popping up everywhere and […]
Horror Movies about Witches that you should really watch
Lately, I have started realizing that I haven’t read or watched many horror movies about witches. I haven’t really even thought about horror and witches together in a while. Whenever […]
Horror Movies for beginners that’ll scare your pants off
Have you been wanting to try and watch horror movies but you don’t know where to start? I have accumulated a list of horror movies for beginners that is perfect […]
Summer Horror Movies for a good scare
School is almost out for summer and that means that the kids are going to need something to do! For this situation, I do mean kids that are at an […]
Haunted House Movies worth watching
Are you a big fan of haunted house movies? If you’re here I’m assuming you are! Or you could be just looking for more things to watch. Either way, I’m […]
TV Shows Based on Books you should binge-watch
I know just about everyone loves binge-watching movies and tv shows. At least I know a lot of people around my age and younger do. Who can really blame them? […]
Horror Movies Based on books that you should read
Have you been interested in reading horror books that have been turned into a movie? I know I have. Most of these I have actually already seen the movie for […]
Old [movie review]: M. Night Shyamalan
About the movie OLD Old follows a group of families that go on vacation to a place that they have never heard of. It’s a place that popped up on […]
4 Reasons I’ll be passing up Supernatural Prequel
4 Reasons the Supernatural Prequel is a bad idea Hey everyone and welcome to Owl Book World! Have you guys heard about the Supernatural prequel yet? It was announced a […]