Owl Book world

Book reviews, horror fan, Movie reviews

About Owl Book World

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My name is Kaili and I’m the one and only who runs Owl Book World. I’m 33 years old and I have a love for reading and movies. Ever since I could remember these two things have been my escape. My escape from school, stress, and some other things have gone on in my life. Other than reading and watching movies I love to draw. It’s something that I haven’t really done in a few years but I’m hoping soon I can get back into it since it used to mean a lot to me.

I started Owl Book World (previously known as Entertainingly Nerdy) back in 2018 as an outlet. I felt like I didn’t know anyone who read let alone read the same things as me. So, that’s when Owl Book World came to life. 

When I say it was a struggle to find those who read the same things as me I mean it. I tend to read a lot of horror and thrillers and even though there are people who read that genre I was finding it hard to find them in my area let alone find women who read it. There were a lot of times that I struggled with that because I was made to believe that horror was a man’s genre. Who could blame me when a lot of the more popular authors are male. 

Even though I read all types of genres I tend to stick with horror and thriller most of the time. On top of that, I’m wanting to encourage more women to not be afraid or ashamed about liking all sorts of horror. You’re not alone and never feel bad about the books you enjoy.

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