Movies/tv shows

Horror Movies about Witches that you should really watch


Lately, I have started realizing that I haven’t read or watched many horror movies about witches. I haven’t really even thought about horror and witches together in a while. Whenever I think about movies that have witches all I can really think about is Harry Potter. I know I know it’s kind of a shame. Considering that Harry Potter pretty much shaped my life with the books and when the movies come out. That’s what my life revolved around, and I loved the perspective of these types of witches. As I grew older, I did like the idea of witches actually being scary.

The idea of not being able to stand up to a witch is in itself scary. So, that lead me to want to talk about horror movies about witches. Here is a list of witch movies that you should really consider watching!

Horror movies about witches

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Horror movies about witches

Growing up I always loved horror movies about witches. Just imagine if witches were real and they were just as evil as some of these movies depict them. Go into these movies with caution because some are kid-friendly while a lot of the others ARE NOT!

Hocus Pocus

Horror movies about witches

I don’t know if I fully consider Hocus Pocus a horror movie, but I know kids like watching scary movies too. I know I did when Hocus Pocus first came out.

Hocus Pocus follows Max, Dani, and Allison who decide to visit the home of the legend witches of the town. It’s no less on Halloween. Max thinks it’s a bunch of Hocus Pocus but when he lights the black flamed candle, they soon realize that they have brought the witches back and they are looking for them.

Hocus Pocus was one of my favorite movies growing up. I actually still love watching it now and I can’t wait for the second movie to come out.

This is one of the horror movies about witches that I aim to watch every October to set the mood for Halloween. Hopefully, this is one movie that I can try to get my kids into when they are a little older.

If you’re interested in this movie you can find it through the link below.


The Craft

Horror movies about witches

There’s a 1998 version of The Craft and a 2020 version of the craft. In this post, I’ll mostly be talking about the 1998 version since it’s the original and what I grew up with.

Here is what The Craft is about.

The Craft follows Sarah who is new to town and has to go to a new school. Of course, a lot of the kids there think she’s weird with no real reasons behind it. It’s just because she’s new.

When Nancy, Bonnie, and Rochelle include her in their group it is considered set in stone that Bonnie is weird because that group already has a reputation. They think that she is the perfect person to add to their group because she will make their witchcraft stronger.

At first, Sarah doesn’t believe it but she wants friends, so she starts to do witchy things with them that quickly make her a believer. But what will Sarah do when the other three girls start to take advantage of their found power.

It has been a while since I have watched the craft and I did watch the 2020 version. I love the original movie and I remember I wanted to become a witch because of it when I was growing up. Granted I didn’t want to be evil like Nancy. This is a perfect movie to watch if you’re wanting to watch a really good horror movie about witches.

If you’re interested in this movie you can find it through the link below.


The Blair Witch Project

Horror movies about witches

The Blair Witch Project is a movie I haven’t really watched in a long time. When I first watched the movie I hated it. One I have never really liked found documentary movies. Two this movie was so hyped and I was only left with disappointment.

As I got older the more, I actually started to appreciate the movie. I don’t know why I didn’t like it when I was younger but actually enjoyed it the older, I got. It’s even more surprising considering I hate most found footage movies.

Here is what The Blair Witch Project is about.

The Blair Witch Project follows a group of people who are doing a documentary on The Blair Witch legend. They think it’s fake until one of them disappears.

I think it’s about that time I rewatch the movie again!

If you’re interested in this movie you can find it through the link below.


Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones

Horror movies about witches

So, Paranormal Activity actually started off with a haunting that kept following a woman no matter where she went. To me, it’s kind of hard to see it go towards a movie that is dealing with witches. That being the case this may be one I pass on.

Here is what The Marked ones is about.

The Marked Ones follows a young man who becomes the victim of a violent entity. He must figure out how to get away before it takes complete control of him.

If you have seen this one please let me know what you thought about it! Even though I said I probably wouldn’t watch it there’s still a small part of me that is curious about how it turns out.

If you’re interested in this movie then you can find it through the link below.


The Coven

Horror movies about witches

The Coven is one that I haven’t seen yet. I’m actually kind of surprised that I have never even heard of it. To be honest the poster alone kind of reminds me of The Craft.

Because of that I kind of want to watch it.

Here is what The Coven is about.

The Coven follows five young teenagers who want to see pagan activities. So, they camp in a historic place on Halloween only to realize they are a part of the ritual.

To me this one kind of looks cheesy but it may be worth a shot to try watching. Have any of you guys watched it yet?

If you’re interested in this movie you can find it through the link below.

All Cheerleaders Die

Horror movies about witches

All Cheerleaders Die looks to be a comedic horror novel and a part of me kind of wants to watch it.

The story follows a rebel who signs up some cheerleaders to take down the captain of the football team. They soon have to fight different battles.

I’m actually surprised that I haven’t heard of this one. Once I get out of the mindset that all newer horror movies suck then I might actually try watching it.

Considering this sounds similar to movies I really enjoyed back when I was in high school then I can see myself really enjoying this one.

Not only does it remind me of movies I have already enjoyed but this movie actually kind of reminds me of a lot of R.L. Stine’s books too.

If you have seen this one then let me know what you thought in the comments.

If you’re interested in this movie you can find it through the link below.


The Unholy

Horror movies about witches

I had meant to go see The Unholy when it first came out. Now a year later and I still haven’t watched it. At first, it was because of trying to save money. Now it’s because I have completely forgotten about it until I did this post.

Here is what The Unholy is about.

When a visually impaired girl is visited by the Virgin Mary she can hear, speak, and heal the sick. When people flock to see her miracles, terrible things start to unfold.

I promise I’m going to watch this one soon and tell you what I think about it. If you have seen it, then let me know what you thought about it in the comments.

If you’re interested in this movie then you can find it through the link below.


Halloween Town

Horror movies about witches

Halloween Town is another movie that I try to watch every single October. I don’t know what it is about Halloween Town and Hocus Pocus that pretty much sets the tone for October and Halloween.

It’s not like these two movies are actually scary or anything. I guess it’s partly because I grew up on them.

Here is what Halloween Town is about.

Halloween Town follows Marnie Piper who just wants to go trick or treating with her friends. Halloween is cool to her, but her mom won’t allow her to go. She’s keeping secrets from Marnie and those secrets are the reasons why she won’t allow her to go trick or treating.

When her grandmother comes out to visit, she can only stay for a few hours, but she does try talking Marnie’s mother into letting her go. In the process, Marnie realizes that her family is really different compared to others when she realizes that they are witches.

Halloween Town is actually Disney original movie that came out in 1998. Granted it’s not completely a horror movie and has quite a bit of comedy in it I still wanted to include it. I always like to include kid-friendly stuff along with adult stuff because who knows you might want to watch the kid-friendly stuff as well.

If you’re interested in this movie then you can find it through the link below.


Scariest witch movies

Some of the horror movies about witches I had just previously talked about can actually be added to the scariest witch movies list too

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Horror movies about witches

The Autopsy of Jane Doe is one movie I’ve been meaning to watch for a while now. I don’t know how many times I have heard about it or had it pop up on Netflix. I’m not really sure what keeps pushing me back on it.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe follows a father and son who are both coroners. They are both pulled to figure out what happened to this Jane Doe only to find out that she has some mysteries they will soon uncover.

What did you guys think of this one if you have watched it?

Am I missing out on it?

If you’re interested in one of the scariest witch movies then you can find it through the link below.


The Skeleton Key

If you haven’t watched The Skeleton Key, then go do that now. The Skeleton Key is a movie that I watched back when it first came out. I loved it back then and I still love it today.

The Skeleton Key follows Caroline Ellis. She is a hospice nurse who heads to a creepy Louisiana home only to find out that it has a haunted past.

This movie definitely belongs in the horror movies about witches, and I wish more people talked about it. I swear I never hear about this movie. I don’t know if a lot of people just haven’t watched the movie or if a lot of people in the horror community just didn’t like it. But I loved it and I’m including it on this list because it deserves the recognition.

I think I love this movie mostly because of how the movie ended. It probably makes a lot of people mad, but I think that’s what I loved about it. In fact, talking about it makes me want to watch the movie again.

If you’re interested in this movie then you can find it through the link below.


The Wretched

The movie poster for The Wretched actually looks really cool and creepy. I’m such a visual person and this one has really caught my attention.

The Wretched follows a defiant boy who is having trouble with his parent’s divorce. Soon he has to face a thousand-year-old witch who is posing as a normal woman living next door.

The Wretched is one that I’m really going to have to check out soon. This one sounds like my cup of tea, and I’m actually surprised I haven’t tried watching it yet! Hopefully, I can try getting to it soon!

If you’re interested in this movie then you can find it through the link below.


The Witch

The Witch actually seems like a pretty creepy movie at least by the cover alone.

My only thing is that I have such a hard time watching or reading anything that takes place a really long time ago. I don’t know what it is about “historical fiction” that immediately pushes me away and makes me not want to have anything to do with it.

The Witch takes place in the 1630s. It follows a family who is being tortured by a witch and they have no idea how to escape.

Have any of you guys watched The Witch? Hopefully, the movie is better than I’m thinking.

If you’re interested in this movie then you can find it through the link below.


Don’t Knock Twice

So, this is actually the first time I’m hearing about Don’t Knock Twice.

Don’t Knock Twice is about a woman who is trying to reconnect with a daughter. But to make things harder, what she thought was an urban legend comes to life and terrifies the woman and her daughter.

This is a horror movie that I’m going to have to try and check out soon. I have always loved books and movies that kind of deal with urban legends.

At least I use to love these types of stuff when I was younger. To be honest I haven’t watched a movie like this for a long time but it’s time to change that.

I do kind of wish I had kept up with Urban Legend stories because I use to love them so much.

If you’re interested in this movie then you can find it through the link below.


Fear Street

Fear Street is one of the horror movies about witches on Netflix. You guys have no idea how excited I was when I heard about this movie coming out.

I read a lot of the Fear Street novels a long time ago and I loved them. R.L. Stine is one of the reasons I started to love reading. For the longest time, I have loved being scared so that is where I started to read R.L. Stine’s books. That’s where my love for horror actually began.

Fear Street is actually an anthology series similar to American Horror Story. Every book is a full-length story that follows a particular character throughout the entire book. What ties the books together is Fear Street and the legend of the Fear family. The three-part series on Netflix implements some of the books but it’s quite different. For one the movies are a bit more graphic than the books. If you can’t handle gore then I would probably go into the movies with caution.

Even though the Netflix movies are a little bit different compared to the books I still loved them.

If you’re interested in this movie then you can find it through the link below.

Wicked Lake

This is another that I had actually missed. Even though the movie poster looks a little cheesy I might have to try and watch it. It’s always awesome getting to watch a movie where women are able to protect themselves even a little bit.

Wicked Lake follows deranged men who follow four young women. They think they will be easy prey but the later that it gets they start to realize they made a huge mistake. Something dark starts to happen because of the women and the men wish they had never started following them.

Have you guys watched this one yet?

If you’re interested in this movie then you can find it through the link below.


What are some horror movies about witches that I may have missed? Hopefully, this list gives you some options of movies to watch soon! If you don’t watch them soon then make sure to watch them in October to set the mood for Halloween!

Make sure you check out my horror movies for beginners.

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