Book Discussion Books Movies/tv shows

TV Shows Based on Books you should binge-watch


I know just about everyone loves binge-watching movies and tv shows. At least I know a lot of people around my age and younger do. Who can really blame them? There are times I would rather watch the show before I read the book though. I think that’s because I don’t want to be disappointed in the show and actually enjoy it before I decide to read the book. I know that’s backward. There are just so many adaptations that I don’t enjoy at all because I read the book first. So here is a list of Tv Shows based on books.

Tv shows based on books

Most of these shows are on various different streaming services if you are wanting to check them out. Hopefully, some of these are ones you haven’t heard of and are ones that you would be really interested in reading.

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Tv Shows based on Books

Are you looking for some tv shows to binge-watch? I know I am! I know I have gotten to the point where I want to watch something that will take me a little bit to actually finish. For some reason, I have been wanting to watch something that I can actually kind of invest in. I want to be able to invest in the characters and the actual story. So, if you’re anything like me and like books as well then you might want some tv shows based on books.

Let me know in the comments if there are any I missed.

Big Little Lies

Madeline is funny and passionate. She remembers everything and forgives no one. Celeste is a beautiful woman who is able to make the world stop and stare. Unfortunately, she is paying the price for the illusion of perfection. Jane is a single mom and new to town. She’s young and another mom assumed she was the nanny. But Jane comes with a mysterious past and huge sadness beyond her years. All three women are at a crossroads and are brought together in a scary way.

I’m not really sure what has held me back from watching this show but I really need to get to it. I’m not completely sure if I want to read the book or not. Not that it doesn’t sound good. I just think this is one of the few shows I would rather watch instead of read.

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Looking For Alaska

Looking for Alaska follows Miles Halter who is fascinated with famous last words. He’s also tired of his safe life at home. When he leaves for boarding school he tries to find himself.

For me pretty much all of John Green’s books are really good. To be honest I can’t really remember a lot about this one because it has been YEARS since I have read the book. Looking for Alaska is actually streaming through Hulu if you are interested in watching it.

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Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars follows a group of girls who lost a friend when they were a little bit younger. But now a few years later they start getting text messages from someone who signs it as A. Their lost friend use to sign things as A but they all assumed she was dead. Why is she coming back with a vengeance?

I actually just finished the Pretty Little Liars series a few days ago. I have to admit that I like the ending of the books a little better than I did the show but overall I like the show better than I did the books. The girls seem so much more whiney in the books than in the show. It could be because I actually listened to the audiobook rather than physically reading the book.

If you ever plan on watching The original Pretty Little Liars or maybe want to watch the new one when it is released, I do suggest reading the books. There is a ton of difference and the person in charge of the show changed up a lot of things that were completely different in the book. Some of the changes I really liked while others not so much.

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tv shows based on books

Dexter works as a forensic scientist in Miami. He’s really good at his job and he is able to figure out quickly what happened to the bodies. But his mind doesn’t work like other people. Dexter has killed people before and he will do it again. From the beginning, his father has told him to use it for good rather than killing innocent people, and ever since he has used it to kill those who are bad.

I have tried watching the show a couple of times but for some reason, I always wind up getting distracted away from it. The concept of it has always really interested me. The fact that someone with these really dark interests can in fact use that ability for good. At least kind of use it for good. This is one I really need to try and get to soon.

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Mind Hunter

tv shows based on books

For true crime junkies, Mind Hunter follows special agent John Douglas. He has hunted down some of the most notorious criminals along with interviewing some of the biggest criminals.

Mind Hunter is definitely one I need to look into reading and watching. True Crime isn’t something I’m fully invested in like some people are but there are some things that really catch my attention. Mind Hunter is one of them. I mean can you imagine being a big special agent and getting to tackle some of the most notorious killers? It would be scary, of course, but I have always been interested in getting inside of their heads.


Shadow Hunters

tv shows based on books

A long time ago I did try to read Shadow Hunters. It’s been a while but I can’t really remember why I stopped it because I do remember liking it a little bit. Now when it comes to the book I had bought it before the show even started. I hate to admit that I haven’t even read it yet. For some reason, after I bought it I wound up losing interest in it. I want to fix that though because the story seemed really interesting and had a cool concept. It almost feels like I’m missing out on it.

The story follows Clary Fray as she goes to a club to have a little bit of fun. After being there for a bit she doesn’t expect to see three tattooed people kill someone in the club.

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Have you watched any of these shows? If not have you read any of the books? Make sure to bookmark this post and let me know what you think of them when you get to them! Let me know in the comments if there are any tv shows based on books that I may have missed!

If you enjoyed this post you may also like Horror Movies based on books.

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2 thoughts on “TV Shows Based on Books you should binge-watch

  1. Jamieadstories

    Great suggestions. I adore Big Little Lies and Finding Alaska.

    1. Kaili

      I can’t believe I still haven’t read a Big Little Lies!

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