Beta Reading – Work with me

Owl Book World - Guest Posting and Beta Reading

Hey everyone! Owl Book World wants to work with you. I’m now adding guest posting and beta reading through my blog. For the guest posting, you can be either a book blogger or author as long as you fall in the categories below.

What is Beta Reading?

If you don’t know what beta reading is it’s pretty much reading someone’s book before they have it published and before ARCS are given out. This gives the author a good indications on if their book flows well and what may need some work. Most beta readers don’t include editing but usually if I catch it then I will mark it but it’s mostly light editing, i.e. misspelled words and sentence structure. This helps the author with the flow of their work and making sure everything makes sense and there is good character development.

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Why would I be the perfect beta reader for you?

For starters I feel like I would be a good beta reader for you because I love to read. Why else would I be here if I didn’t? On top of that I am a book blogger so why not hire someone who blogs and talks about books on a daily basis?

Beta Reading

I have just recently started beta reading through here. Why? I’m hoping that beta reading through my blog will be a better option for authors and myself as well but, if you prefer Fiverr then you can find me here. This service is only for reading and making sure your book makes sense, flows well, and there’s good character development. I will not use this service for a paid review (it’s been asked before). But I will review the book once it’s published and you are able to send an updated version of said book.

I would prefer getting the manuscript via word doc or PDF but I am willing to take it through Google Doc.

Genres I typically read are horror, thriller, fantasy, paranormal, and contemporary. I’m not really a fan of romance, erotica, or books dealing with politics.

Audiences: Adult, YA, Middle Grade

Payment must be made once I agree to take on your manuscript and the payment must be made through Paypal. You can contact me at owlbookworld (at) gmail (dot) com.

Tier 1 – $10

Tier 1 is up to 20,000 words.

Feedback is given via word doc

Tier 2 – $25

Tier 2 is up to 50,000 words

Feedback is given via word doc

Tier 3 – $50

Tier 3 is up to 80,000 words

Feedback is given via word doc

If you’re unsure which tier to pick then anything under 50,000 words will go to Tier 1, anything under 80,000 will go to tier 2, and anything 80,000 words and above will go to Tier 3. Make sure to check the additional charges below because there’s some important information if your word count just so happens to be more than 20,000, 50,000, and 80,000. This also includes light editing if I were to find any misspellings or if a sentence doesn’t make sense.

Additional Charges

There will be an additional $5 upcharge for any additional 10,000 words. What this means is that if your word count is under tier one but your word count is 30,000 then that means the cost will be $15. This goes for each tier.

For an extra $5 I will also write the blurb for the book.

There will also be an additional upcharge of $5 if you’re wanting it to be promoted on my blog and socials medias. This will happen a week before it’s published so make sure your publication date is a guaranteed thing. The promo will go up on all of my social medias all through out the week. If you’re wanting to do this at some point after the beta read then that’s fine too!


writinghorror: Fast delivery and excellent communication. Provided me with great feedback.Published 2 weeks ago

Ccastanedawrites: Kaili jumped in as a beta reader for the second book in my young adult supernatural series. Not an easy task as it was a) 90k words and b) had to work as a standalone novel. She caught several errors & oversights and suggested areas that needed clarification in a friendly, yet professional and efficient manner. I’ll be going back to Kaili with my future books!Published 1 month ago

rhinodan: i have used her service twice now. I can’t understand why she’s not more in demand. The service was fast and superb. She’s honest with her feedback. Still has a gentle touch. I wasn’t scorched earth when she was done with me. I can’t say enough as a writer her eyes are a excellent finding problems.

juelbrown: It was an absolute pleasure to work with Kaili! She was detailed in her critic, honest but kind, and went above and beyond by marking spelling and grammar with track changes. I sent her some questions for each section of my manuscript, and she answered them all ahead of schedule. She was easy to contact, professional, and very pleasant. I highly recommend her beta reading! Thank you, Kaili! Let’s work together again soon!

Thank you guys for visiting my little blog. I look forward to working with you through Guest Posting and Beta Reading.