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Summer Horror Movies for a good scare


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School is almost out for summer and that means that the kids are going to need something to do! For this situation, I do mean kids that are at an appropriate age. And that is as long as you’re okay with them watching it as well. This summer horror movies list isn’t just for those getting out of school.

This list is for adults as well because I know there are a lot of you who probably like horror movies year-round. I love when they revolve around the summer because they shouldn’t just revolve around Halloween and fall. Hopefully, you enjoy these horror movies as much as I do!

Summer horror movies

Summer Horror Movies

I know that there are some who would rather watch horror movies around Halloween. It makes the setting and kind of gets you ready for Halloween. But if you’re anything like me then you like watching horror movies year-round. So here is a list of Summer Horror Movies that are perfect for warmer weather.

The Cabin in the Woods

Summer horror movies

The Cabin in the Woods is such a big part of summer horror movies.

The movie follows a group of college-age kids who go on vacation to a home that has been in one of their family’s life for a while. But the home is pretty much a cabin out in the middle of nowhere. As they go inside and look the place over they start to realize there are some creepy things in the home. That’s okay because they can just cover it up. They start off the night by drinking and playing a game. The game leads them into the basement where they start the horror of their vacation.

I have to say that I absolutely love The Cabin in the Woods. It is one of my favorite movies and I can rewatch it over and over again. This is one of those summer campy movies that is definitely worth watching.

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I Know What You Did Last Summer

Summer horror movies

If you haven’t watched I know What You Did Last Summer then please go do that! I wouldn’t say this is one of my favorite horror movies but I do like it.

I Know What You Did Last Summer follows a group of high school kids who did something bad the last summer and now it’s starting to haunt them.

I would hate if a situation like this had happened to me when I was back in high school. Even though the kids in this book/movie did something terrible I still would not want my mistakes to haunt me. But they kind of deserve it in this movie. That’s just my opinion about it!

Even though I don’t think this is one of the best horror movies out there I do suggest watching it. It does get kind of interesting.


The Lost Boys

Summer Horror movies

The Lost Boys is another really great summer horror movie. If you’re looking for a vampire movie then I really suggest watching this one because it is a classic.

The Lost Boys follows a family who moves in with their mother’s father. After certain circumstances, they are unable to move into their own home. So off to their grandpas they go. Only thing is that their grandpa’s home is a little weird and the town they moved to is apparently the murder capital. Why did their mom move them there? They start to regret it when the oldest son starts to change.

I love most 80s movies because I feel like there’s a different feel to them compared to the movies now. Not only that but a good chunk of them are actually original ideas! Movies like this will always be my go-to. This movie isn’t even all that scary either! It does have some gore but don’t go in the movie expecting a lot of blood.


Cabin Fever

Summer horror movies

Cabin Fever is another good scary movie to watch during the summer. This one follows a group of college kids who pretty much goes to a cabin in the woods to have fun and enjoy their vacation. When one of them starts getting sick the rest of them quickly do too. But none of them are really getting better.

Please do not go into this movie if you have a weak stomach. This one is pretty gory and kind of gross. If you’re okay with that then go check it out.

This is one that I haven’t watched since I was in high school! Kind of hard to believe that it has been that long since I have last watched it. I guess it’s about time that I really should try rewatching it!



summer horror movies

So, I reviewed Old back when it was out in theaters. This wasn’t really one of my favorite movies but I thought I would include it. Everyone has different tastes and who knows one of you might like it better than I did.

Old follows a family who goes on vacation to a random place that they just found randomly online. At first, they have a bit of fun. But then they are “randomly” selected with another family to go to the resort’s secret beach. When the grandmother on the beach dies they quickly realize that whatever is going on with the beach it is causing them to age rapidly.

Even though I wasn’t really a fan of this movie I do think it might be a good movie to start if you’re a beginner with horror. This movie isn’t really all that scary and it’s really not all that gory either. Hopefully, you enjoy it better than I did!


The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project is another movie that I haven’t really watched in a long time. This is one that I have a love-hate relationship with. When I first watched it I loved it. But when I watched it again years later I didn’t like it all. That’s mostly because I hated the found footage type of film. If I rewatched it now then I don’t know how I would feel about it.

The story follows a group of people who go out into the woods to do some research only for things to go wrong. What makes this movie so great is that some of their fear is real since the director left them in the dark on some information.

So, in parts of the movie, their fear is very real. I honestly don’t know how I would feel being left in the dark with this sort of thing!


Friday the 13th

Summer thriller movies

Friday the 13th is a very iconic slasher film. If you haven’t watched it then I really suggest you do so! That is unless you can’t handle graphic movies.

The story follows a group of people who go to a summer camp. They’re having fun and trying to have a great summer. That is until Jason starts to kill the campers. He blames them for killing him even though he died before they even knew about the camp.

So I pretty much grew up on Friday the 13th movies. I love them! I have to say that Jason is probably one of my favorite “monsters”. I don’t know what it is about him especially since the story is a bit on the simplistic side. I wouldn’t say the plot of the movie is even all that great but it is one of my comfort horror movies!



So, Hostel is another one of those movies that I probably wouldn’t watch if you have a weak stomach. I don’t have a weak stomach but I think this is one of the few movies that I just stopped watching. If I remember correctly I didn’t even finish the whole movie.

I have a pretty strong stomach but this movie literally has no plot and is basically a torture film.

So, why am I adding it if I hated it that much? Well, that’s a good question… I’m adding it because I know that there are some who really like these nasty movies that a lot of people probably won’t like.

Hostel follows a group of Americans who go overseas for vacation. They want to go somewhere new and have a fun trip. They book rooms in a hostel only to realize that is probably the worst place to stay. The concept is very scary and is something that can potentially happen. Maybe it is something that has actually happened and I’m just not aware of it.


The Meg

Is The Meg even considered a horror movie? I guess in a way it kind of is. There is a huge freaking shark in there so how is that not scary.

The Meg follows a group of scientists who are exploring a part of the ocean only to discover one of the largest marine predators.

Something like this is freaking scary! There’s a good majority of the ocean that has not been discovered. Actually, I just looked it up, and from what I have seen nearly 80 percent of the ocean has not been mapped or even seen by humans. 80 freaking percent!! So you know that actually means that there are more than likely animals/fish in the ocean that we don’t even know about.

Thinking about it this way makes you realize how scary the ocean can really be.


47 Meters Down

47 Meters Down is a survival horror movie that follows two sisters who are vacationing in Mexico. When they decide to explore the sea a little bit they have to do it in a shark cage. Why? That’s because they are surrounded by sharks. But then something goes wrong and they aren’t able to pull the cages up. No one is answering their call for help either. How are they going to escape?

It seems like a lot of people didn’t like this movie and I don’t really know why. I absolutely loved this movie. This is actually a good example of summer horror movies since it is dealing with vacations, the water, and sharks.

The ending of this movie is my absolute favorite. That’s because it is super mind-blowing and leaves you kind of mad. I love movies that really blow your mind at the end!


Joy Ride

Joy Ride is another movie that I haven’t watched in a long time. Despite the fact that it has been a long time since I have seen the movie I do remember really liking it.

Joy Ride follows two brothers who are on a road trip back home after one of them picked the other up from jail. When they decide to talk to a trucker through a CB radio to make things a little fun they realize they made a huge mistake.

So, I don’t think Joy Ride is really considered a horror movie but considering how young I was when I first watched the movie I’m still going to add it. Movies like this make you realize how crazy people really are. These types of movies make you realize how mindful you need to be around people because they can easily snap at you.


What are some Summer horror movies did I miss? I hope you enjoy this list as much as I do! These should be some great binge-worthy summer horror movies to watch throughout the next couple of months!

If you enjoy posts like this then you might like my post about horror movies based on books.

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2 responses to “Summer Horror Movies for a good scare”

  1. Great post! Really love horror movies and I totally forgot about Old. Haha, I was pretty weirded out by the trailer but still curious enough.. but then I forgot all about it.

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