Books Thriller

Girls of Brackenhill by Kate Moretti [book review]

Girls of Brackenhill

Book: Girls of Brackenhill

Author: Kate Moretti

Published: November 1, 2020

Publisher: Thomas & Mercer

Genre: Adult thriller

Pages: 330

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

Girls of Brackenhill book summary:

Girls of Bracken hill follows Hannah Maloney. Her aunt just died in a car accident and she has to return to her family’s castle. Her uncle still lives there but is pretty much still on his death bed. As she tries to figure out what to do with the place along with her uncle, she can’t help but think about the summers she uses to spend there with her sister. It was summer vacation and Hannah absolutely loved it. But eventually, her sister started outgrowing the place and wanted to do other things. It’s not until Hannah starts thinking about her sister’s disappearance that things start to happen around the place. Is this the time that Hannah can figure out what happened to her sister? Or will things there start getting the best of her?

Girls of Brackenhill
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought about Girls of Brackenhill:

If you like books with a creepy setting like this one you might also like Harrow Lake and Wicked Little Deeds.

So, this book is actually pretty creepy in parts. I found this book through Netgalley and absolutely loved the cover. It’s so pretty and creepy. On top of that, the blurb sounded so good! So imagine my surprise when I got approved for the book. The whole story really keeps you entertained and wanting to know what happens and what’s going to happen. When the main character, Hannah, goes back to the castle with her fiance old memories start to come back about what happened that summer when she was last there. Unfortunately with all of the stress, she starts sleepwalking again and waking up in strange areas in the house or around it.

Girls of Brackenhill is considered a thriller but it does combine paranormal along with it and that’s what made me love the book even more. The only downside, to me, is that there are some unanswered questions at the end of the book that I really think should have been addressed. Usually, I’m okay with some unanswered questions but I feel like the ones that I’m thinking of would have helped bring everything together.

Other than that this book has become one of my favorites. I did kind of half guess the ending but that’s okay. Usually, when I’m able to guess the ending it ends up being kind of a disappointment for me. But that never happened with this because I wasn’t able to guess the full ending and I really enjoyed the creepiness that came along with it.

If you haven’t read this book then you really need to! Especially if you like books that keep you guessing and wondering what’s going to happen next. Along with that, it keeps you guessing who did what and why did they do it.

If you like this review then make sure to check out my review for You are Invited.

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7 thoughts on “Girls of Brackenhill by Kate Moretti [book review]

  1. Darina

    Shame about the unanswered questions and lose ends but it seems to be a pretty solid book despite these downfalls. Brilliant review!

    1. admin

      Thank you! I’m still glad that it ended up being a pretty good book though!

  2. […] Girls of Brackenhill is a paranormal thriller by Kate Moretti. The book follows a recently engaged woman named Hannah who finds out that her aunt has just died and her husband isn’t really fit to take care of everything. Hannah’s fiance doesn’t really know anything about her past so he’s pretty shocked when he finds out that her aunt actually lived in a castle, and that Hannah got to stay there during her summers. […]

  3. Flora

    Another great review. I know leaving loose ends can be a bit frustrating but I’m glad to hear that the ones left in this story didn’t take the shine off too much.
    Hope you have a great week.

    1. admin

      Thank you Flora! I hope you have a great week too.

  4. Lindsey

    Awesome review! This sounds like it needed an extra chapter or two just to tie everything up and deal with the unanswered questions but it sounds a really enjoyable and solid read other than that.

  5. […] Entertainingly Nerdy recommends Girls of Brackenhill by Kate Moretti […]

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