Books Contemporary YA

Someone Else’s Summer by Rachel Bateman [book review]

Someone Else's Summer

Book: Someone Else’s Summer

Author: Rachel Bateman

Published: March 9, 2017

Publisher: Running Press Kids

Genre: Young adult Contemporary 

Pages: 320

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Someone Else’s Summer Book summary:

Anna has always loved her sister Storm. So much so that she has always idolized her. When Storm dies in a horrible accident on her graduation day it has thrown Anna for a loop. It has completely torn her family apart. No parent should have to go through the process of burying a child. When Anna finds Storm’s bucket List she ultimately decides to go through the bucket list for her. It’s the least that she can do.

During her journey, Anna discovers herself and figures out some things she wants to do with her life.

Someone Else's Summer
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought:

If you like YA contemporary novels then I would check out The Half Orphan’s Handbook. This is another book that deals with loss and growth.

Lately, I haven’t really read many contemporary coming-of-age young adult books. There’s a reason for that and that’s because they are all so similar. But I am glad that I changed things up a bit and read this one. It’s always sad to me when people have to go through cancer. Especially people who are so young. But I’m always a little unsure why I read books like this. When I was twelve I actually lost my mother to cancer so I thought reading books on this subject would make things harder for me. But in a weird way, it always makes me feel a little bit better. I know these books are fictional but they are kind of based on things that actually happen and the fact that I know I’m not alone always makes me feel a little bit better. I just wish I had known someone back then that had gone through the same things that I have.

Another reason I have always liked books like this is that I have always wanted to create my own bucket list. Even since I was little I have always wanted to make the most of my life but I have always been nervous and scared to do it. Books like this kind of give me courage. It also makes me realize that I shouldn’t wait until someone is dying before doing all of the things that I want to do.

Have any of you guys read this book yet? If so what did you think?

If you enjoyed this review then make sure to check out my review for Amelia Unabridged.

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