Books Horror

You are Invited by Sarah A. Denzil [Book Review]

you are invited

Book: You are Invited

Author: Sarah A. Denzil

Published: September 15, 2020

Publisher: self published

Genre: Horror

Pages: 312

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About You are Invited:

You are Invited is a horror book by Sarah A. Denzil. It was published September 15, 2020, by Victory editing. Cath receives an invite to a pretty big event for social media influencers. She can’t believe her luck because Irene Jobert is one of the most famous influencers out there, and Cath gets to participate in this even with her!

All five social media influencers have to stay in the newly renovated Transylvanian monastery. In order for them to do this, they have to have pretty much everything they do live streamed for millions of people. Patrons get to pay for access to their favorites. The only thing that really sucks about this place is that it’s up a mountain and hardly around anyone. So, it makes it tough for anyone to have any real access to them. Everything is fine until the cameras catch a dark figure. Is something haunting this place? Or is everyone losing their minds?

You Are Invited
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought You Are Invited:

The start of the book actually really grabbed my attention. I love books that have this creepiness to them that leaves you wanting to know more but also worried about what you’re going to find out. Even though I don’t want what happens to the characters to happen to me I would still love to do something like this. I’m not really sure why but I’m always attracted to creepy places. Not that I’ve ever experienced a haunting or anything I would still like to come across something like that. Yeah, yeah I know I’m a little weird because most people would run away in a heartbeat.

The Character(s)

I think out of all the books I’ve read this year I’ve been able to relate to Cath the most. There’s a section in the book that talks about how Cath has a hard time making friends her age and I can totally relate to that. I know a lot of people my age think I’m weird and that’s okay. Another thing is that Cath takes things too seriously and I can totally relate to that.

One of the things I don’t like about this book is that it seems like everyone is obsessed with whether or not Cath is a virgin. Someone’s virginity is something I’ve never been able to relate with others about. Kind of like why people want to lose it so fast and why those people make fun of others for wanting to wait. I guess that’s something I’ll never really understand.

The Plot

So, You Are Invited is one of those books that leaves things open at the end. I wouldn’t exactly consider it a cliffhanger but it makes you wonder if a place is really haunted or if everyone there is just imagining things. The book leaves things open for the readers to interpret on their own which I ended up liking in this book.

I’m kind of surprised with how the book ended though. The book makes me question if Cath actually has a mental illness. I’m not sure why but Cath has inspired me to start writing again. It’s something I use to love to do and Cath makes it seem so much fun!

Have you guys read this book yet? If so what did you think?

Make sure to check out my review for The Lost Village here.
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