Books Horror YA

Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis [book review]

Harrow Lake

Book: Harrow Lake

Author: Kat Ellis

Published:  August 25, 2020

Publisher: Dial Books

Genre: Young adult Horror

Pages: 304

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Harrow Lake book summary:

Harrow Lake is about teenager Lola Nox. She is the daughter of a wildly popular horror director. When her father ends up in the hospital because he’s been attacked Lola is sent off to her grandmother’s home since they don’t know how long it will take for him to heal. But Harrow Lake is one of the places that her father filmed one of his horror movies with her long-lost mother as the star. When she makes it to her grandma’s house everything is strange. People are dressed funny and her grandmother, who she knows nothing about, is one of the weirdest people. In order to keep herself busy until she can go home, she starts to do some research on her mother. She wants to know more about her but she slowly uncovers a dark past with her family.

Harrow Lake
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought about Harrow Lake:

If you like Kat Ellis’ books then you might want to check out Wicked Little Deeds.

When Dave from the Write Reads asked us to be a part of the blog tour for this book I couldn’t say no. For one I loved the cover! Then when I read the blurb I absolutely had to get my hands on it. When asked to join the blog tour this book wasn’t even on my radar. But I am so glad that the publisher and author decided to do a tour for it because I think a lot of us would have missed a really good book.

This book has all types of creepiness to it! I think the creepiness and the legends that go along with this town are what really kept me interested. I always love a book that has a little bit of a paranormal twist to it even if it may not be real. So, the paranormal aspect to this story dug its finger in and wouldn’t let me stop reading. I wanted to if things were real or if it was all an urban legend that the town created.

Lola is a really cool character and I really liked her, but I couldn’t stand her grandmother. Her grandma is the only downside to this story because we never find out why she acts so nutty. Did she have dementia? Or was she just a little eccentric? It also crossed my mind why she didn’t stay in touch with her granddaughter. Even if her daughter is no longer a part of her life then why wouldn’t she try to stay in touch with the only grandkid she has. That’s pretty much the only thing about this book that didn’t sit well with me.

Do you guys like small town horror books?

If you enjoy this review then make sure to check out my review for The Folcroft Ghosts.

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9 thoughts on “Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis [book review]

  1. Mehsi

    Great review, happy to hear you enjoyed it. A shame about the grandma, I would also find that a downside.
    I haven’t read this book, but I am definitely planning to when I can find it. I have read so many reviews that I really want to read it.

    1. admin

      I hope you like it when you do! I’ve seen a few mixed reviews for it!

  2. Dini @ dinipandareads

    Omg yes, her nan was super weird! I did not like her at all… But how I saw it was that her guilt and belief that she “killed” Lorelei + her denial that anything bad happened to her when she was a child (but knowing that it was true, she just didn’t want to admit it) + being stuck in the house where it all happens and in this creepy ass town stuck in the 1920s = drove her to lose her mind. Basically? Lol great review!

    1. admin

      I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who thought she was weird! And that makes sense. I could see how that would drive someone crazy.

  3. Rebecca

    This sounds really interesting, I’ll add it to my Goodreads so I can find it again one day. Thank you

    1. admin

      I hope you like it when you get the chance to read it!

  4. Jules_Writes

    Great review- I thought a few aspects of the story, including the Grandma felt a little unfinished.

    1. admin

      The grandma was the only thing that really bothered. I thought she was a bit weird!

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