Books Horror

Madman Across the Water [book review]

Madman Across the Water

Book: Madman Across the Water

Author: Caroline Angel

Published: October 19, 2015

Publisher: Realmwalker Publishing Group

Genre: Horror

Pages: 276

Amazon | Goodreads

Madman Across the Water book summary:

Madman Across the Water is a horror book by Caroline Angel. This book follows a family who has been haunted by something for generations. It stalks them, watches, and follows. It waits in the darkness, the fog, in the woods and makes sure that it keeps its prey in sight. If the thing doesn’t kill you then you’ll really wish that it did. Will this family be able to get rid of their generational curse?

Madman Across the Water
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about Madman Across the Water:

This is super creepy and actually kept me interested through the entire book! I think I’ve always liked supernatural horror more than any other type of horror and that’s mostly why I liked this one. The tall man is a creepy man that will disturb your dreams. The book will make you question if he’s real or not or if the people who see him just have a crazy imagination.

I felt bad for a few of the characters. And I wish someone had been there for a few of the characters who really had no one. But I can also understand why they really didn’t have many people.

I honest to god hope there is a sequel where the legend kind of continues. With the way things ended there really should be another book! And I’m hoping the second one will be just as creepy as the first. The only downside to this book for me is that it wasn’t really edited very well which is why I went with four stars instead of five. But the editing wasn’t so bad that I couldn’t enjoy the book. The plot is really good and the characters are very realistic.

I’m honestly just really glad I was able to read a book that kind of creeped me out. I think after reading and watching so many stuff in the horror genre I have become desensitized. But every once in a while a good movie or book will creep on me. This was definitely one of those books.

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