Books Horror YA

Wicked Little Deeds by Kat Ellis [book review]

Wicked Little Deeds

Book: Wicked Little Deeds

Author: Kat Ellis

Published: August 5, 2021

Publisher: Penguin

Genre: YA Horror

Pages: 400

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Wicked Little Deeds book summary

Wicked Little Deeds is a book by Kat Ellis. This is a very suspenseful novel that follows Ava Thorn. She lives in a small town called Burden Falls. Burden Falls may seem like a normal town but like some they have their superstitions. Ava has never really believed in those superstitions, but when someone close to her has been brutally murdered she starts to wonders if those legends are more fact than fiction. What secrets is Burden Falls hiding?

Wicked Little Deeds
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought of Wicked Little Deeds

I want to thank The Write Reads and Penguin for the opportunity to read and review Wicked Little Deeds. I have quickly become a fan of Kat Eliss after reading Harrow Lake. So, you guys have to know how excited I was to be able to get an advanced copy of this book.

Kat does a really good job with the overall setting of her stories and makes them pretty creepy! I don’t think I can rave about that enough especially since this is one of the few books I have given a five-star review this year!

The Characters

So the story follows Ava Thorn. She’s still in high school and doesn’t have a lot of friends. She lost her parents the previous and has an arch-nemesis. I couldn’t help but really like Ava. I can’t exactly pinpoint why but I’m sure a lot of it has to do with her being able to stand up for herself. I’ve always admired girls and women who are able to do that especially since I’m not like that. It always makes me wish I was.

On top of being able to really take care of herself, I also love that she’s able to forgive someone even though it’s hard. On top of that, the person she forgives has never really been nice to her. Being able to forgive despite all that someone does to you can be a good quality. That is as long as you don’t let them walk all over you.

The Plot

As I said earlier Kat does a tremendous job setting up the story and overall creepiness. She makes you question whether or not certain things are real and I love that about her books. She makes you think it’s real, then comes up with an explanation as to why it’s not real, and then BAM something happens to make you start questioning it again. That right there is some of the best writing especially if you like this genre.

I do have to that Kat Ellis does well will blending genres. Wicked Little Deeds is a good mix of thriller and horror and I love it. Horror and thriller are my favorite genres so I love it when they blend together and are done very well.

How do you guys feel about books that mix thriller and horror together? If you like this review then you might like my review for The Folcroft Ghosts by Darcy Coates. And you may also like my list of Ya Horror. You can find that list here.

Now excuse me while I go buy some of Kat Ellis’s book!

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2 thoughts on “Wicked Little Deeds by Kat Ellis [book review]

  1. Ellie

    Fantastic review!

    1. Kaili

      Thank you! Wicked Little Deeds is probably one of my favorite books so far this year!

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