Books Thriller

The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives by Kristin Miller [Book Review]

The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives

Book: The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives

Author: Kristin Miller

Published: July 20, 2021

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 288

Goodreads | Amazon | Bookshop

About The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives:

The Sinful lives of Trophy Wives follows mystery writer Brooke Davies after she moves into an upscale neighborhood. No one has a way into the neighborhood without a code and the only people that have it are those that live there. As Brooke makes some friends in the neighborhood she realizes that not everyone there is as perfect as they make themselves out to be. What secrets are they keeping? And how deadly are they?

Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought of The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives:

So I’m a huge fan of thrillers. I probably have more reviews of thrillers on my blog than anything else. There’s a reason for that! I love thrilling books that are going to keep me entertained. I like being kept on the tip of my toes and wondering what’s going to happen next and how are things going to end.

The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives
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The Characters

So, the characters are somewhat what I expected. They are women who have money and live in a super nice neighborhood. They want money and they’ll do just about anything to keep their money. In a way, I kind of relate Brooke because I can see myself getting close to people in order to add them to a story. Not that I would actually finish the story though. But I always get inspiration from others and the women in this story are really good inspirations for a story.

I don’t know how I would feel about living around women like characters in this book. They kind of remind me of popular girls in high school who wouldn’t let you sit next to them. Then again I probably never would have made friends with them in the first place since I’m introverted and stay home all of the time anyway.

The Plot

The Plot of The Sinful Lives of Trophy wives is actually really good. This is a somewhat realistic who-done-it type of story. Most of the characters are super colorful and even the side characters stand out. The only thing that really bothered me is that I hated the changing point of view. There were times that it seemed a bit random and didn’t give any warning.

The plot is very fast-paced and keeps you wanting to know what is going to happen next. If you’re going on vacation then I definitely recommend getting this book because it is the perfect summer thriller!

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