Books Thriller

Mirrorland by Carole Johnstone [book review]


Book: Mirrorland

Author: Carole Johnstone

Published: April 20, 2021

Publisher: Scribner

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 320

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Mirrorland book summary

Mirrorland follows Cat. She lives in LA far away from where she grew up. When she finds out that her twin sister is missing, possibly dead, she rushes back home. As soon as she lands she’s back in the graces of her sister’s husband and the man she’s always loved. What will she do when her horrible past comes back to haunt her? Why is her gut telling her that her sister is still alive? Will Cat be able to find out what happened to her sister or will she get caught up in the same trap as her sister?

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Rating: 3 out of 5.

What I thought about Mirrorland

I have been wanting to read Mirrorland for a while now. I think I found out about it right around the time it came out and the publishers were doing giveaways on Goodreads. I just had to read the book because I love psychological thrillers. I like being kept on my toes and wonder what’s going to happen. On top of that, I love the cover. I think the cover is what grabbed my attention in the first place.

The Character

Mirrorland follows Cat and her perspective while trying to find her twin. They aren’t close anymore but Cat still loves and cares for her. Cat talks a few times about how much she loves and cares for her sister. In my opinion for someone who loves her sister so much she sure does have a hard time showing it. I will not state what Cat does because it’s a spoiler to the book, but it really makes me want to slap her because she’s only there to find her sister. There’s a possibility her sister is dead and she’s doing one of the dumbest things she can possibly do.

I do like reading parts about her past. One thing I liked is how her mother finds a unique way to save her daughters. Also, I liked how she tells them stories that have some sort of truth to them.

The Plot

This is where the story gets me and where I didn’t really like the story so much. Don’t get me wrong the whole idea is awesome but the pacing is slow through a good chunk of the book. It was to the point where I was struggling at times. If there wasn’t so much “downtime” in the story I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more.

I do kind of understand why the pacing is a little bit slow in parts. Mirrorland is a psychological thriller that wants you to keep guessing. These types of books don’t want you to be able to guess the ending, at least not the full ending. So if you like slow-burn thrillers I would completely recommend this book.

How do you feel about slow burn thrillers?

If you like this review then make sure to check out my review for My Lovely Wife.

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2 thoughts on “Mirrorland by Carole Johnstone [book review]

  1. Carole Johnstone

    Hi Kaili,
    Many thanks for being a part of the Mirrorland book tour, I really appreciate it!
    All best wishes,
    Carole x

    1. Kaili

      I’m happy I got the chance to be apart of the tour!

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