Books Horror

The Skeleton Tree by Diane Janes [book review]

The Skeleton Tree

Book: The Skeleton Tree

Author: Diane Janes

Published: June 1, 2021

Publisher: Severn House Published

Genre: Horror

Pages: 224

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About The Skeleton Tree:

The Skeleton Tree follows Wendy. For the longest time, her dream home has been lived in. That is up until recently when it was put up for sale. It gets a lot of traction but no one seems to want to buy it. When Wendy talks her family into buying the house, she soon realizes buying the home may not have been the best idea. Something is wrong with it but she’s not really sure what.

The Skeleton Tree
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Rating: 2 out of 5.

What I thought about The Skeleton Tree:

I picked up The Skeleton Tree because I obviously love the cover and I love haunted house stories. When the family moves into the house I was curious to find out what was going to happen. I figured there would be a creepy setting that kept me interested.

The Character(s):

So the characters partly ruined the story for me. Wendy is obsessed with the house. It’s understandable because she loves the home. But she thinks something is wrong with it, something sinister. Instead of getting her and her family out of there, all she does is research that doesn’t lead her anywhere. Other than doing research that doesn’t lead her anywhere but there are constant arguments with her husband. Troubles with her family seem to be a huge focus in the story where a lot doesn’t really happen.

The Plot

I got the impression this was going to be a haunted house story. There are parts of the story that would have set it up nicely. There were parts of the story that gave me Amityville Horror vibes with her husband being such a douche, but that’s where things ended. I’m honestly questioning why the story is being marketed as horror when it’s not. Especially since the story is basically Wendy’s fascination with the house and her marital problems.

I would have loved to like this book, but I think it’s being targeted at the wrong people. 

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