Books Thriller YA

The Perfect Place to Die by Bryce Moore [book review]

The Perfect Place to Die

Book: The Perfect Place to Die

Author: Bryce Moore

Published: August 3, 2021

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Genre: YA Thriller

Pages: 384

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About The Perfect Place to Die:

The Perfect Place to Die follows Zuretta. She and her sister have always been close. So, it’s not like her sister to just stop sending letters. She may have been a little secretive about her life but that’s only because of their father. Her father is a mean man that might come and get her. When Zuretta runs off to Chicago to find her sister it takes some time. She soon finds out that her sister last worked at the house of horrors. Zuretta quickly gets a job there and starts doing a bit of detective work. Will she be able to find her sister? Will something happen to her before she’s able to figure anything out?

The Perfect Place to Die
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about The Perfect Place to Die:

I want to thank Sourcebooks Fire and Bryce Moore for the opportunity to read and review The Perfect Place to Die. I picked this book up because the cover and the synopsis caught my attention. I love young adult thrillers/mysteries. This story is being compared to Stalking Jack the Ripper and that caught my attention too! I’m not sure what it is about reading books that deal with serial killers, but I always like reading about them. Finding out exactly what makes them tick and why they do what they do.

The Characters

My only issue and I kind of agree with another reader about it is that Zuretta seems a lot older than she is. She’s seventeen years old but seems much older. If it were me I probably would have made the characters older and aimed this book towards adults. Despite that, I still like her character. She’s strong and very independent. It’s characters like her that make me realize that I’m probably not the most independent person. It doesn’t matter if I was traveling to save a family member. I hate traveling anywhere alone and it always baffles me that women are content going alone.

Just to clarify there’s nothing wrong with it but it would worry me. I read and watch too many thrillers and horror so I would kind of expect something to go wrong. But that’s just me. I would love to be one of those women that could travel alone and make friends wherever I go. I always admire people like that even if they are just characters.

The Plot

I don’t know what it is about books that deal with serial killers that I wind up enjoying. I’m pretty sure for me it’s more of trying to figure out what to look for than anything else. But a lot of these books are perfect examples of what you shouldn’t do, even though I get why there are people who take matters into their own hands.

The story is pretty fast-paced and kept my interest. However, I can see it being a little slow for others. Towards the end of the book, there are a lot of twists and turns that I wasn’t expecting which made the story better! It’s no fun reading a thriller where you’re able to guess what is going to happen.

I can’t wait to read more books by Bryce!

If you enjoy this review then you might like my review for The Girl in the Headlines.

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  1. Kaili

    Thank you!

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