Reading Challenges

2024 Halloween Reading Challenge


I have been wanting to create a Halloween reading challenge for a while now. I love Halloween, and I’m sure many of you guys are happy that fall is here, too. So, I figured I would try to create a 2024 Halloween reading challenge and see who all join us!

It’s always a lot of fun to include you guys and find out what you are reading. Here are the prompts for the Halloween bingo reading challenge.

2024 Halloween reading challenge prompts

  1. Orange cover
  2. Ghost Main Character
  3. Supernatural Creature
  4. Haunted House – Book suggestions
  5. Set in a Graveyard
  6. Eerie Atmosphere
  7. A Classic
  8. Creepy Doll – Book suggestion
  9. Turned into a movie
  10. Has a cursed object
  11. Haunted ship or boat
  12. Haunted Hotel
  13. Free space
  14. Vengeful spirit
  15. A character that can communicate with the dead
  16. Book by Stephen King
  17. Book by R.L. Stine
  18. Small town horror
  19. Creepy carnival –
  20. Takes place on Halloween
  21. Possession
  22. Has witches
  23. YA horror
  24. Haunted amusement park
  25. Haunted game or challenge

The books that I have added under each prompt are just suggestions and ideas of what you can potentially read for it! I hope you join me with the 2024 halloween reading challenge!

2024 reading challenge
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