Books Horror

Slewfoot by Brom [book review]


Book: Slewfoot

By: Brom

Published: September 21, 2021

Publisher: Nightfire

Pages: 431

Genre: Horror

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About Slewfoot:

Slewfoot follows Abitha who was just recently married off to a stranger. Almost just as quickly she is left behind as a widow. When her husband dies some of the local men want to marry her off again so that she’s taken care of. But she’s determined to take care of things herself. As she tries to protect what little rights that she has some weird things start to happen. Things are going her way and it’s making her look bad. But what lengths will the locals go to to make her fail?

What I thought

So I kept seeing this book on TikTok and how scary it was. I love books about witches. Back in high school I even loved reading about the Salem witch trials. Even though it was tragic it always fascinates me. So that’s basically why I picked up the book.

So, why didn’t I exactly like this book? For one I feel like this book could have been really cut in half. This book was such a drag. I hate to say it though. There just wasn’t enough action or even scares to make the book worth while. Which is why I’m starting to question if this really should be classified as horror to begin with. I would maybe consider it more historical fantasy which isn’t usually my cup of tea.


So, I’m in the minority with this book. Most people seemed to have loved it. But it does make me question whether or not if some of these reviews are realistic or if some of them were trying to be nice. I get everyone has a different opinion but the fact that so many people are raving about it when it wasn’t that spectacular.

I have to admit that I didn’t even really like the characters either. The main character was a little bit annoying to me. It felt like she was bit whiny and kind of boring perspective. Her point of view was very repetitive and just a bit aggravating. The point of view of the monster wasn’t any better. His view is just as boring and just as repetitive as well. In fact I didn’t exactly find him all that scary either. For the most part he just seemed like a lost puppy who didn’t really know who he was.

I wanted to like this book so much. I just couldn’t. The only good about Slewfoot to me is the concept. It’s such a great concept. I just wish I had liked it more. Hopefully I’m not alone with this.

If you liked this review then you may also like my list of supernatural books.

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