Books Horror

The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James [book review]

The Sun Down Motel

Book: The Sun Down Motel

Author: Simone St. James

Published: February 18, 2020

Publisher: Berkley

Genre: Horror/Thriller

Pages: 327

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The Sun Down Motel summary:

The Sun Down Motel is a horror-thriller book by Simone St. James. This book follows Viv’s niece as she goes to a hotel. This isn’t your typical hotel though. The place is old and hasn’t really been updated in years. On top of that, the place is haunted and creepy. When the main character shows up at the motel she’s only there to figure out what exactly happened to Aunt Viv. Before she was born her aunt just up and disappeared. Everyone just assumed she ran away or was dead. So why is her niece the only one who is trying to figure out what really happened to her?

The Sun Down Motel
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about The Sundown Motel:

So, The Sun Down Motel was a part of my July TBR. I’ve been trying to create TBR’s so I can get my backlog of books caught up with. As much as I love reading and buying books I also really hate seeing my book pile climb and climb.

The Sun Down Motel was a pretty hyped-up book for me. I saw it everywhere and so many people were reading it. On top of that, it got some really good reviews. So in a way, I was pretty excited about this book but on top of that, I was trying not to get my hopes up. I knew if I got my hopes up then the book probably would have been a disappointment for me. That’s usually what happens with books that are as popular and this one. I really didn’t want this one to be a disappointment. Lucky for me I really enjoyed this book.

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The plot

I wouldn’t consider this book horror but more along the lines of a paranormal mystery. The pacing of the book is very well done! There really isn’t a dull moment and it keeps you on your toes through the entire book. I am so glad that there were paranormal elements to the book.

A majority of the time the book doesn’t even have to be scary for me to really enjoy it. Just as long as there’s enough action in the book to keep you interested. The book has some creepy aspects to it to though and made me wonder if what the night clerks were experiencing was real. If it was real then how were they going to help those that are stuck at the hotel? The only downside for me is that I hate where Viv ended up.

I do have to say that I love how everything connected and how certain things were very subtle. For parts of the book, the haunting can be easily explained and be excused for something else. That’s partly why I enjoyed this book. It makes things more interesting when things are a little bit more subtle and can be explained for something else. In my opinion, it kind of makes the main character seem a little bit crazy and makes you wonder if what they’re going through is even real.

The Characters of The Sun Down Motel

I’m glad that Viv’s niece was brave enough to go to the hotel that she disappeared from. It seemed like almost everyone had given up on her. After the police deemed her dead without even finding a body none of her family really called them out on it. I guess that’s something I can understand a little bit but despite the police not searching anymore, I don’t think I could ever give up. I would always want some closure and most of the family in The Sun Down Motel don’t really question what happened.

Did Viv run away? Or is she dead like the police claim? Will Viv’s niece discover what happened at this hotel? Or will the strangeness of the place scare her away?

Do any of you guys like paranormal-type books? If so what do you like about them? I think I always like to read books like The Sun Down Motel because it makes me question things. I know this is a work of fiction but I always end up questioning if supernatural things are real. It has always been one thing that I’ve been indecisive about. I like to keep my mind open but it’s also something I’ve never really come across.

Also, I love how the characters take things that are happening there seriously. They don’t dismiss what’s going on there and they make sure to leave when things start getting worse. I just wish I knew if the owner of the motel knew what was going on there and if he did then why didn’t he do anything about it? And honestly, I’m kind of curious as to why he didn’t get rid of the place. He’d probably lose money on it but I figured if you don’t make a profit off of it and want nothing to do with it then you’d want it gone as soon as possible.

Do you guys like books surrounding haunted places?

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2 thoughts on “The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James [book review]

  1. Shalini

    This is on my TBR. Hope I like it too

    1. admin

      I hope you do too!

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