Books Horror YA

The Folcroft Ghosts by Darcy Coates

The Folcroft Ghosts

Book: The Folcroft Ghosts

Author: Darcy Coates

Published: January 10, 2017

Publisher: Black Owl Books

Genre: YA Horror

Pages: 165

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The Folcroft Ghosts summary:

The Folcroft Ghosts is a young adult horror novel by Darcy Coates. This book follows Tara and her brother Kyle who are sent to live with their grandparents after their mother was in a freak accident and ended up in a coma. But they know nothing about their grandparents. In fact, they have never even met their grandparents before. When they get there everything is fine. In fact, they really love their grandmother and all of the awesome meals that she’s been cooking for them. But soon Tara and Kyle start to question why their mother kept them from their grandparents. If they are this nice and welcoming then why would she keep them away?

The Folcroft Ghosts
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Rating: 3 out of 5.

What I thought of The Folcroft Ghosts:

Before I get to the review if you are wanting more recommendations on ya horror books then check out my list for it here.

So, The Folcroft Ghosts is a young adult horror novel that follows siblings that really have no one when their mom is sent to the hospital. But they are soon sent to their grandparent’s home that they have never even met. I get that this has to be a pretty awkward situation for them. For me I know I would feel very weird about staying with people that I really didn’t know, especially at their age. At their age, I didn’t even really feel comfortable around strangers let alone having to go to their home. But I mean what choice did they really have?


The Folcraft Ghosts follows Tara and Kyle but sticks with the point of view of Tara. I’ve got to be honest.. I actually really enjoy Tara’s and Kyle’s relationship. Most siblings annoy each other by picking and fighting. At least that’s what it was like with my brothers. Growing up we literally never got along. Even though we get along now we’re still not as close as Tara and Kyle. That’s something I’ve always envied but something I will probably never get since there’s such a huge age gap between us.

I love how Tara loves her brother and is wanting to help take care of him but not in a creepy way. She is the type of sister that loves her brother and will make sure that she sticks by him through everything. You don’t really find a lot of kids at this age that does this, especially since a lot of kids feel some sort of entitlement and want to do things for themselves. It’s kind of a breath of fresh air to actually read a book where siblings actually somewhat get along.

The plot/writing style of The Folcroft Ghosts:

I know I’ve stated this before but this book is supposed to be a young adult novel. Even though it technically is it actually reads more like a middle-grade novel. The fact that it kind of reads like a middle-grade novel and that it wasn’t really all scary/creepy is what threw me off of the book. Don’t get me wrong though because the book is entertaining and actually has a way of keeping you there. There are even some creepy aspects to it, but I guess with this being a young adult it really lacks that creepy factor that I was really craving.

I do get that this book isn’t really aimed for my age group which is why I ended up rating it a three-star rather than anything lower. Typically I do love a good young adult novel but I think I’m a lot harder on them when it comes to thrillers and horror!

How do you feel about YA horror?

If you want to read another YA horror novel then check out Wicked Little Deeds.

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2 thoughts on “The Folcroft Ghosts by Darcy Coates

  1. Teri

    I’m a fan of YA horror, but there doesn’t seem to much on the market. I’ve also read a couple books by Darcy Coates before, but not this one. I wasn’t even aware she wrote YA. Thanks for sharing the review!

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      I hate that there aren’t many YA horror. This was my first book by Darcy Coates. Hopefully soon I can get to some of her adult books!

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