Time Loop Books you should have on your TBR


Hey everyone and welcome to Owl Book World. Hopefully, you guys are having a good start to 2022. I know we all need it which is why I decided to do inspirational fiction books and inspirational nonfiction books. I want us all to have a better year and get to where we want to be. Now that we’re in February (almost) I wanted to talk about Time Loop Books. With Groundhogs day in the month of February, I wanted to talk about these types of books. Groundhogs day makes me think of the movie Groundhogs Day which covers living the same day over and over again. I know that there are a lot of people who don’t really think about that type of thing when it comes to books.

Time Loop Books

Time Loop books never crossed my mind until I read the book Before I Fall. I read it back in high school and fell in love. I have wanted to read more even though I haven’t got to them lately. Make sure to leave some suggestions in the comments on your favorite time loop books.

Time Loop books you may not (or have) heard of

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

Time loop books

Aiden Bishop knows what’s going to happen. Evelyn Hardcastle will die every day until Aiden can find out who her killer is. He has to break the cycle but every time a new day starts Aiden wakes up as a different guest at the manor, some are more helpful than others. Can Aiden win the race against time and find the killer?

If you regularly look for book recommendations on YouTube and TikTok then I’m sure you have seen this one everywhere. There’s a good reason for that. So many readers enjoy this book and who knows you might like it just as much if you give it a chance. This novel is one that I still need to read. Hopefully, soon I will end up getting the chance to check it out of the library. When I say there have been so many readers getting a hold of this book I mean it. When I had looked into it last month there was at least more than a two-month wait. If you’re looking for recommendations and have already read this one what did you think?

If you’re interested in this book you can find them here: Amazon | Bookshop

Life after Life

Time loop books

On a very cold night in 1910, Ursula Todd is born. Before she can even take her first breath she dies. During that same snowstorm, she is born again, only this time she lives to tell the tale over and over again.

I have been wanting to read Life After Life for a while now. The only thing is that I have really been holding myself back from actually getting to it. That’s mostly because I consider this book historical fiction since it takes place around 1910.

For the life of me, I can’t really get into historical fiction because most of them I either find boring or I’m just not a fan of the setting. The main reason I’m including it is that I know there are tons of people who actually enjoy historical fiction. If you’re one of those people then maybe this book is right for you.

If you’re interested in this book you can find them here: Amazon | Bookshop

Before I Fall

High school senior Samantha Kingston is popular. So “Cupid Day” Should be one big party, a day of roses and privileges that comes with being on top. At first it is. But then she dies in a terrible accident that night. Then she wakes up. She lives the last day of her life seven times. She quickly realizes that even the smallest changes won’t change what happened.

So, I haven’t read Before I Fall since high school but I remember loving it when I did. I just wish that the movie would have come a lot sooner than it did.

Granted I’m not as big of a fan of the movie as I was the book though. I’m sure you’ve already guessed why and that’s because I feel like the book left out so much of the book. But that’s all I’m going to say about that because this post isn’t about the movie.

I think Before I Fall is probably one of my favorite Time Loop Books because I love when popular girls get a taste of their own medicine. The only thing is that I don’t see how Samantha found herself with the popular girls. Even though she acts like one when she’s around her friends when she’s away from them she doesn’t really act like that.

How do you feel about books where the popular girl gets what she deserves?

If you’re interested in this book you can find them here: Amazon | Bookshop

A Week of Mondays

Sixteen-year-old Ellison Sparks is having a very bad Monday. She gets a ticket for running a red light. she takes the worst school picture, and she completely messes up softball tryouts and class election speeches. To top it off her handsome boyfriend breaks up with her. Ellison knows that if she can relive this day then she can make it right. So, when she wakes up the next day she relives her Monday all over again.

So, I have never heard of A Week of Mondays until I was doing some research on Time Loop Books. I kind of wish I had heard of it a lot sooner because I would have read it a lot sooner. This story gives me so much of Freaky Friday vibes and I’m not really sure why. One lives the same day over and over while the other characters switch places. The attitude of both seems to coincide.

Hopefully, soon I will be able to get to this one!

If you’re interested in this book you can find it here: Amazon

In a Holidaze

It’s supposed to be the best time of year but not for Maelyn Jones. She still lives with her parents, hates her job, and just made a big romantic error. Worst of all this will be the last year Maelyn gets to go to her favorite place. They have been going to the snowy cabin in Utah since she was born. As she’s leaving for the last time she pleads with the world on what will make her happy. In turn, she hears tires screeching and metal hitting. When Mae panically awakens she’s on a plane to Utah where she lives the holiday over and over again.

For a while, I have been seeing this book all over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. It is a very popular book! Even though I knew about this book I actually know it was considered a Time Loop book until I started doing some research about this post. The whole premise of this book reminds me of a Hallmark channel movie just in book format!

If you’re interested in this book you can find it here: Amazon | Bookshop

The Echo Room

The Rett Ward knows how to hide. He’s had a lot of experience at the state-run boarding school where he had to learn to keep his head down and learn to survive. When Rett wakes up in a small locked room he has no recollection of how he got there. Now he can’t even hide and he has someone else’s blood on him. Every time he tries to escape he wakes back up in the same spot on the same day with the same blood spot on his clothes. Can Rett manage to get out?

The Echo Room is one of the time loop books that I really want to get to soon. I’m not completely sure if this book is considered more thriller or horror but I don’t really care because I love them both (you can find YA thriller recommendations here and YA Horror recommendations here).

Thrillers and horror are typically my favorite books to read and I’m just now hearing about this one!

If you’re interested in this book you can find it here: Amazon | Bookshop

The Midnight Library

Time loop books

The Midnight Library follows Nora Seed. She’s not happy with her life and wants to die. But instead of going where she wants, she’s stuck in her “in-between”. That in-between just so happens to be a library and her personal librarian is her elementary school librarian. The books there are peeks into another life she could have had if only she had chosen differently. But what happens if she doesn’t want to live any of those other lives?

The Midnight Library has become one of my favorite books so far this year. I know that’s not saying a lot because we’re still at the beginning of the year, but this story is so good. I don’t know if I would fully say this is considered a time loop book because Nora isn’t really living the same day over and over again. Instead, she’s living her life in a multitude of ways. This is one of the books I added to my inspirational fiction books because the story is actually pretty inspiring. The Midnight Library makes you realize that there may be things that you regret but those things probably wouldn’t have turned out the way you wanted them to anyways. It gives you a new perspective on your life and how things are.

If you’re interested in The Midnight Library you can find that here: Amazon | Bookshop

Hopefully, if you’re reading this then you have as much interest in Time Loop books as I do! Do you have any recommendations on these types of books?

Make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter because I will keep updating this post and next week I will have up a post on Time Loop movies!

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