Books Fantasy Middle Grade

Revenge of the Beast by Jack Meggit-Phillips [book review]

Revenge of the Beast

Book: The Beast and the Bethany: Revenge of the Beast

Author: Jack Meggitt-Phillips

Published: March 22, 2022

Publisher: Aladdin

Genre: Middle-Grade Fantasy

Pages: 272

Amazon | Bookshop

About Revenge of the Beast

Revenge of the Beast follows Bethany, Ebenezer, and talking parrot Claudette. Now that they have gotten rid of the beast Bethany wants to debeast their house and start doing some do-gooding. She wants to get on everyone’s good side. But what happens when Bethany tries and tries again to do good but nobody wants anything to do with her? This is where Claudette comes in. The once nice and caring bird starts to push Bethany to do her pranks again. Can Bethany overcome the temptation?

Revenge of the Beast

What I thought

So the Beast and the Bethany was the first middle-grade book I had read since I was in middle school, and it has made me realize that I have missed a lot. Just because books are aimed at a certain age group doesn’t mean that older audiences can’t enjoy them as well. That’s why I’m so glad that I joined the tour for that one then again for the tour of Revenge of the Beast.

It’s not often that I like a sequel more than I did the first book but I think Jack surpassed himself. In Revenge of the Beast, we get more background on Ebenezer and I feel like he is humanized a little more in this book. I’m so happy that Bethany wants to do better and tries to push Ebenezer to do better as well. I love their characters and I found myself loving Claudette just as much. I swear Jack comes up with some pretty creative things because I never would have imagined a bird who could keep a conversation with you along with lying eggs with meals in it. Some of the other things that are included are very imaginative and will keep your reader of all ages entertained.

Revenge of the Beast is such a fun read that will have you laughing and wondering what is going to happen next!

If you’re wanting to read more books somewhat similar to this then check out my list of Middle-Grade Horror books.

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2 thoughts on “Revenge of the Beast by Jack Meggit-Phillips [book review]

  1. Ellie

    Great review!!

    1. Kaili

      Thank you!

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