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Books with multiple POVs


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Hey everyone and welcome to my stop on this month’s blog hops. Today I’m talking about books with multiple POVs. Before we get there I want to briefly explain what exactly this is! These types of books are ones with multiple characters and you get the point of view of each and every one of those main characters. I know there’s controversy around these types of books especially when there are way too many characters to keep up.

Personally, I like them but it really does depend on how many points of view there are. For me, my limit is right around three characters. Not only that but they really have to stand out to me in order for me to really stick with it. Let me know in the comments what you like when it comes to multiple points of view.

Books with multiple POVs

List of books with multiple POVs

Like I said earlier multiple POVs just means we get the view from more than one character. We get to see different sides of the story and figure out what is going to happen. Some times I think they really help the story while there are other times I think it hinders it a bit.

You’ll be the Death of me

Books with multiple POVs

You’ll be the death of Me follows three high school students who decide to skip school after having a bad morning. As all three are exploring the town they soon find out that another classmate is skipping as ell. They follow him around and when he walks in an abandoned building they hold off from going inside. When he doesn’t come out they walk in. They don’t expect to find him dead when they get in there though. Instead of calling the cops they freak out and run because one that’s the first dead body they have seen and two they all have a reason for wanting him dead.

So I’m usually not a huge fan of Karen M. McManus because there are parts of her books that just don’t make sense to me, but You’ll Be the Death of Me is by far one of my favorite books by her. If you’re wanting more books with multiple POVs then make sure to check out all of her books because all of the ones she writes has them!

If you’re interested in this book you can find it here: Amazon | Bookshop

The Perfect Family

Books with multiple POVs

The Adler family is perfect and they are the envy of their neighbors. They worked hard to get there and they think just about everyone likes them enough. When someone starts vandalizing their home each and every one of them has a secret. Could they be the reason why someone is attacking them?

The Perfect Family has a point of view for each and every one of the family members and goes through their emotions of why they think they are the reason for the vandalism. When I read this book back in 2021 I absolutely loved it! So I would definitely check it out if you like really suspenseful thrillers.

If you’re interested in this book you can find it here: Amazon | Bookshop

What are some of your favorite books that have multiple POVs in them?

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