Books Contemporary Fantasy

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig [book review]


Book: The Midnight Library

By: Matt Haig

Published: September 29, 2020

Publisher: Viking

Pages: 304

Genre: Fantasy/Contemporary

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The Midnight Library summary

The Midnight Library follows Nora Seed. She’s on the brink of life and death and in between is a library. What would you do if you were given the opportunity to live different versions of yourself? You could use the opportunity to correct your regrets. That’s what Nora is having to go through in her own personal library. Her librarian? She just so happens to be her elementary librarian who helped her through a hard time. Now she’s helping her through this.

What I thought

For nearly a year I’ve been hearing a lot about The Midnight Library. This is one of those cases where you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. I’m not saying the cover is bad. It’s one that doesn’t really catch my attention. If I had seen it in a book story I probably wouldn’t have even looked twice at it. This makes me wonder how many books I would have liked if I never passed it up because of the cover. I also wish I had gotten to the book a lot sooner because I enjoyed it that much.

So, what made me decide to pick it up? I’m actually not completely sure what pushed me over. One day I was browsing books on the app for our local library and it popped up.

The Midnight Library is one of those books that really gets you thinking. It makes you want to stop regretting what you didn’t do. It’s time to live in the now and make your life worth living. I’m glad I decided to pick up the book.

I think the concept of everyone having a different in between is cool too! It makes sense though. Everyone is different so why should everyone have the same in between?

I couldn’t help but fall in love with Nora’s character. When you can relate to a character on a deeper level lets you know that a book is going to be really good. And there was a multitude of things I resonated with. I can’t wait to read more by this author.

The Midnight Library is the perfect book for those who enjoy situations in books where the main character goes through a bad situation and comes out better for it.

The Midnight Library

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