Books Thriller YA

The Girl in the Headlines by Hannah Jayne [book review]

The Girl in the Headlines

Book: The Girl in the Headlines

Author: Hannah Jayne

Published: July 6, 2021

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Genre: YA Thriller 

Pages: 250

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About The Girl in the Headlines:

The papers and news say that Andrea McNulty killed her family but she doesn’t remember. What’s the truth? When she goes to bed on her birthday she wakes up the next day in a hotel room. She doesn’t remember anything, but she has blood on her hands. She’s terrified and starts to run since everyone is against her. Will she be able to clear her name and find her brother?

The Girl in the Headlines
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about The Girl in the Headlines:

I want to thank Sourcebooks Fire and Hannah for an advanced copy of The Girl in the Headlines. I picked up the story because I love love the cover. It’s actually what attracted me to the story in the first place. When I read the blurb I just had to get my hands on it. I love books that deal with murders and you’re having to guess if the main character was involved or not.

The characters

Andrea is the main character of this story and she goes through a lot, from losing her family to finding out some things that make her question things. Her character made things interesting. What exactly made her forget things? Who exactly has it out for her family? This entire story kind of makes you question things. Did Andrea do something to her family and she blocked it out?

A lot of the evidence makes you question if Andrea had anything to do with what happened. There were a lot of people who really thought she did since she ran off and her family never exactly adopted her. Did she resent them for never adopting? I know that thought would cross my mind. My thought process would be that maybe they didn’t care enough about her or she did something that made them not want her.

What would make a family bring a kid in only to change their mind about adopting them?

The Plot

The only thing that really bothered me about the story is that Andrea’s friend is supposed to be her best friend. They are supposed to be like sisters. Unfortunately, her friend didn’t help her at all. Her best friend was more against her than anyone else. I guess you never truly know someone until you’re going through a hard time. Not everyone is going to be there for you and not everyone is meant to be. Some of the most unlikely people will actually wind up by your side.

I think that’s partly the reason I enjoyed the story so much. Some of the most unlikely people wound up by Andrea’s side and tried to help her through a lot of what she was going through.

The plot of The Girl in the Headlines keeps you interested throughout the novel. I kept wondering if Andrea was going to be found and if she was found then would she be found guilty? Would she find her little brother that disappeared?

If you enjoyed this review then you might like my review for 14 Ways to Die.

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