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The memory book by Lara Avery [book review]


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The Memory Book

Book: The Memory Book

Author: Lara Avery

Published: July 5, 2016

Publisher: Poppy / Hachette Book Group

Genre: Young Adult Contemporary

Pages: 368

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

The Memory Book Summary:

The Memory book follows Sammie. She has always been the girl with a plan. Her plans are to graduate at the top of her class and get out of her small town as fast as she can. She even knows what she wants to major in when she gets to college. Everything starts to spiral when she starts forgetting things. At first, it starts off small and she doesn’t think anything of it. When it starts becoming a common occurrence her parents take her to the doctor. This is when the doctors tell her she has a rare genetic disorder that will steal her memories and her health. That’s when The Memory Book is created. 

She doesn’t want to forget about all of the good times she has. On top of that, she doesn’t even want to forget about the bad times because that’s still a part of her. Least of all she doesn’t want to forget her name or who she is.

The Memory Book
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought:

The Memory Book is one that I have read before but it has been years since I have read it last. I actually enjoyed it just as much as I did the first time. If you enjoy sad books then you might like Someone Else’s Summer.

Sammie’s disease is something that I have actually never heard of before and it is a very devastating disease. I felt horrible for her and her family but I can’t help but feel a little worse for her family to have to see her go through it. I can’t decide if it is worse to go through something like this or to watch someone you not only love but also raised go through this. This book is great but also sad. I kept rooting for Sammie and hoped she would prevail a little through the disease. This book is worth reading if you actually like reading heartbreaking-type books with strong characters!

What she has is something that I would hate to have. I would never like to lose my memory and about all of the things that I enjoy.  But what she has is pretty interesting to read about.

If you enjoyed this review then make sure to check out my review for Amelia Unabridged.

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4 responses to “The memory book by Lara Avery [book review]”

  1. Thank you for the review. The book sounds wonderful and heartbreakingly painful at the same time.

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