Books Mystery

Pawsitively Poisonous by Melissa Erin Jackson [book review]

Pawsitively Poisonous

Book: Pawsitively Poisonous

Authors: Melissa Erin Jackson

Published: June 10, 2019

Publisher: Ringtail Press

Genre: Cozy mystery

Pages: 201

Amazon | Bookshop |  Goodreads

Pawsitively Poisonous book summary:

Pawsitively Poisonous is a cozy mystery that follows Amber Blackwood. Amber has lived in Edgehill, Oregon for a long time. But the way she is has gotten her considered the town’s odd duck. People like her but she has some secrets that no one can know about. Because of that she’s a bit reclusive and keeps to herself a bit. She owns her own business of toys that are a bit quirky but all of the kids love. But when her friend Melanie is found dead Amber’s secret is risked being found out. That’s partly because one police officer, in particular, thinks that she has something to do with it. He has never liked Amber but she never knew why. Does he have good reason to be suspicious of her?

Pawsitively Poisonous
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought about Pawsitively Poisonous:

So, the first book I read by Melissa is The Forgotten Child and I absolutely enjoyed it! Even though Melissa is a great author I wasn’t sure if I would like this one since it is a cozy mystery. Cozy mysteries aren’t usually my thing, but the premise of this book caught my attention (well I also couldn’t pass up a book by her). I actually really enjoyed this Pawsitively Poisonous. The main character is very likable and the book grabs your attention from the start. I’m really excited to read the next book especially with how this one ended!

I also can’t really help but to love this little fictional town. I wish I lived in an area that had some sort of theme and has a pretty tight nit community. Plus, Pawsitively Poisonous ends on a huge cliffhanger that makes me excited to read the next one.

Do you guys like cozy mysteries?

Other books by Melissa Erin Jackson are: Pawsitively Cursed

Pawsitively Secretive

Pawsitively Swindled

Pawsitively Betrayed

Shuttered Secrets

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28 thoughts on “Pawsitively Poisonous by Melissa Erin Jackson [book review]

  1. Eline @ Lovely Audiobooks

    I love cozies and this sounds absolutely adorable 😊

    1. admin

      You might actually like this one!

  2. Lanae Bond

    This sounds like a book I can read and enjou! I love mysteries especially when they are in small town.

    1. admin

      It’s really good!

  3. admin

    I loved it!

  4. Nadia Hasan

    I haven’t read a mystery in a long time! Will add this to my list!

    1. admin

      I hope you like it!

  5. DJ Sakata

    This sounds like a fun Halloween read

    1. admin

      It was a great Halloween read!

  6. Jo Linsdell

    I love cosy mysteries. Great review.

    1. admin

      Thank you!

  7. Mandi S

    Omg I want this! Sounds like my kind of book!

    1. admin

      I hope you like the book if you get it!

  8. Nicole Pyles

    Oh I LOVE cozy mysteries. I’ll have to check this out!

    1. admin

      I hope you like it if you get it!

  9. Nadene @totallyaddictedtoreading

    I love cozies. Adding this to my TBR.

    1. admin

      I hope you like it if you get it!

  10. Caffeinated Fae

    I love that cover!!! Not my normal read but that cover is so much fun!

    1. admin

      Yes! I thought it was so pretty!

  11. Robin Loves Reading

    Great review. I love cozy mysteries.

    1. admin

      It was such a fun read!

  12. Katiria Rodriguez

    Great review, I’m glad you fully enjoyed reading this book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

    1. admin

      Thank you!

  13. […] Pawsitively Poisonous […]

  14. admin

    I didn’t think it was the genre for me either. I guess it’s one of those things that ends up being a hit or miss for me.

  15. […] Pawsitively Poisonous […]

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