Books Thriller YA

Pretty Dead Girls by Monica Murphy [book review]

Pretty Dead Girls

Book: Pretty Dead Girls

Author: Monica Murphy

Published: January 2, 2018

Publisher: Entangled: Teen

Genre: Young adult mystery

Pages: 336


Pretty Dead Girls book summary:

So, this book follows Penelope Maione. She lives in a very peaceful seaside town. That is up until popular girls start showing up dead. Penelope is scared that she’s next because all of the girls that have been killed so far have been connected to her. Not only are they connected to her but they are also connected to a boy that shares the same physics class with her. But she doesn’t know anything about this guy except for the rumors that her classmates share about him. Apparently one of those rumors is that he has a really dark past. Could he be the killer? Even if he is then why is he set out killing her friends?

Monica Murphy books
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Rating: 3 out of 5.

Related Post: The Cousins [Book Review]

What I thought about Pretty Dead Girls:

Pretty Dead Girls is a young adult thriller that is compared to Pretty Little Liars. This is a Monica Murphy book that you should really check out since it will keep your attention.

I’m going to be honest when I first noticed the book the cover captivated me. Then I read the synopsis and I knew I had to get the book. This book is a quick and fun read. Pretty Dead Girls does remind me a lot of Pretty Little Liars because they have a lot of the same concepts. When I started, I couldn’t put it down. I kept trying to guess who the killer was and if there was a possibility that Penelope had something to do with it.

The Plot and Characters

So, why did I give it 3 stars? The ending of the book fell flat for me. The author didn’t really bring anything new to this genre. There’s not much of a shock factor when it comes to this book, at least not for me. I also got a little aggravated about how many times it was brought up about her hating the nickname everyone kept calling her. Her hatred for the nickname is brought up in almost every chapter, but she never stops people from calling her that name. Even though I really didn’t like the ending I would still recommend this book to those who have an interest in mysteries.

If you’re looking for more thrillers, then make sure to check out Thrillers for young adults.

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7 thoughts on “Pretty Dead Girls by Monica Murphy [book review]

  1. Jennifer

    Though I love thrillers, I do not like YA. I. Will try to look into this one though.

  2. DJ Sakata

    I remember looking at this one as that lovely cover pulled me in, and I do love a good thriller, but the YA tag pulled the plug 😉

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      I really need to start taking a break from them. I think it’s becoming one of those cases where I read too many of them and they start to annoy me.

  3. CatFairy Books

    I loved the show Pretty Little Liars so this seems intriguing! Now I have to say though I stopped watching Pretty Little Liars because it fell flat for me as well! It kind of drove me crazy how they kept dragging out the mystery.

  4. Amie Cadwallader

    Such a shame about the ending but the book sounds so good to me! Going to have to pick it up!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  5. Karla Strand

    Mysteries aren’t usually for me but I do like YA books. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one; too bad the ending fell short.

  6. Nancy

    Great insight into this book. I am an avid mystery reader and will definitely consider looking into this book. Like you though, I may find it annoying that the nickname thing is always brought up but she never corrects it. Thanks for the insights.l


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