Books Thriller

The Good Girl by Mary Kubica [book review]

The Good Girl

Book: The Good Girl

Author: Mary Kubica

Published: July 29, 2014

Publisher: Harlequin MIRA

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 352

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About The Good Girl

Mia Dennett goes to a bar to meet her ex but when he doesn’t show she leaves with a stranger. At first Colin seems like a safe one-night stand. But following him to his home turns out to be one of the biggest mistakes she’s ever made. When Colin decides to hide her in a secluded cabin instead of delivering her to his boss, her family and the detective on the case will stop at nothing to find her. But they couldn’t predict how much this will shatter their lives.

The Good Girl

What I thought

The Good Girl is another book I found through the library. I’m not exactly a fan of the cover but the synopsis really caught my attention. It’s a scary idea to me of being kidnapped and your parents may not potentially care. The things you are put through when in a situation like this.

So, I don’t know how I feel about The Good Girl. On one hand the story caught my attention but on another hand I found the story to be really mediocre. There’s really nothing new or super exciting about it. The story is pretty fast paced and a part of me was not expecting certain things to happen in this book. The Good Girl does seem more realistic when it comes to thrillers. At least when compared to other thrillers. I liked that about this book though.

Like I said though there’s really nothing new when it comes to this story. Not a lot really stands out to me with this one other than what happens toward the ending. The ending is what grabbed my attention. It’s not something that happens often but it does happen. With how her dad is it doesn’t really surprise me that it did.

Toe me The Good Girl is a solid three-star book. You may like this one if you liked The night She Went Missing.

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