Books Thriller

The Night she Went Missing by Kristen Bird [book review]

The Night She Went Missing

Book: The Night She Went Missing

Author: Kristen Bird

Published: February 8, 2022

Publisher: MIRA

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 352

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Goodreads book summary

An intriguing and twisty domestic suspense about loyalty and deceit in a tight-knit Texas community where parents are known to behave badly and people are not always who they appear to be.

Emily, a popular but bookish prep school senior, goes missing after a night out with friends. She was last seen leaving a party with Alex, a football player with a dubious reputation. But no one is talking.

Now three mothers, Catherine, Leslie and Morgan, friends turned frenemies, have their lives turned upside down as they are forced to look to their own children—and each other’s—for answers to questions they don’t want to ask.

Each mother is sure she knows who is responsible, but they all have their own secrets to keep and reputations to protect. And the lies they tell themselves and each other may just have the potential to be lethal in this riveting debut.

What I thought of The Night She Went Missing

I picked up The Night She Went Missing because I love thrillers. Fast-paced thrillers are my favorite and The Night She Went Missing is definitely a fast-paced thriller. As a mother, something like this always scares me. I think a child going missing is a mother’s worst fear. At least any good mother that loves their kids worst fear. Even though I don’t have a girl just yet I think every parent worries about their girls more than they do the boys. I know if and when we have a girl I would be worried about this exact situation. This isn’t exactly a good thing because I know I will be overprotective.

The Night She Went Missing is a story that is pretty thrilling and fast-paced. It also keeps you interested throughout the entire plot. Despite that, I couldn’t help but get mad with certain aspects of the story. I’m not going to state what exactly made me mad because I feel like it would give away spoilers. Let’s just say that something happens in the story that commonly happens a lot in real life. It gives off realism to the already realistic story but this is something that you don’t want happening in either setting.

The characters are realistic and actually make the story. I couldn’t help but really like Emily. Despite what happens to her she stays optimistic and clear on what she wants. I love that about her.

I can’t wait to read more books by Kristin Bird!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

If you enjoy books like this then you might also enjoy Good As Dead.

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