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Books about introverts that will make you feel less alone


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Are you an introvert and want to feel less alone? Sometimes it’s really hard for us introverts to make any friends therefore some of us have to rely on books.

I know I know some of you are wondering why you should read books about characters that are similar to you. It’s understandable for some readers to want to read about someone different than them but I always love reading books about introverts because it makes me feel less alone.

Don’t get me wrong though. I know there are TONs of introverts out there, but I know how hard it can be for any of us to make friends. So, to me reading books like this is very comforting. There are times it makes me feel like I can do just about anything despite not wanting to get out of the house.

Books about introverts

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Best books for introverts

I know some of you may actually enjoy non-fiction books which is why I included them in this post. Even if you don’t like non-fiction I still recommend maybe checking these out.

If you’re anything like me then being an introvert kind of bums you out a little bit. The best books for introverts are a good way to guide you through some of the disadvantages of being an introvert.

The introvert advantage

books about introverts

Looking at the synopsis of The Introvert Advantage is something that I never really considered when it comes to being an introvert. I have always looked at being an introvert as a disadvantage.

Why? Because we live in an extroverted world. A lot of people seem to look down on being quiet and pretty much living in your head. So, eventually, I had become this way as well. I had gotten to the point where I did not like my personality because of it.

Here is what The Introvert Advantage is about.

The Introvert Advantage is a nonfiction book that teaches those who are introverts to work with what they have.

A lot of us push against it considering we live in an extroverted world. So, this book is perfect for those who want to try to find a way to work with it rather than against it.

If you’re anything like me when it comes to how you feel about being an introvert then I really suggest looking into this one.

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Introvert power

books about introverts

Introvert Power is pretty much the same as The Introvert Advantage. I suggested that one because being an Introvert at times can be kind of hard.

It seems like Introvert Power can help as well by being comfortable in your own skin. Don’t we all need to learn a little about being comfortable in our own skin?

Here is what Introvert Power is about.

Introvert Power is another book that empowers introverts to live their life with confidence. It helps with lifting up your confidence and still being able to recharge with your alone time.

If you’re interested in Introvert Power you can find it below.

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The highly sensitive person

books about introverts

As much as I hate to say it, a lot of us introverts are pretty sensitive. We wouldn’t stay at home to recoup if we weren’t. A part of me doesn’t like the idea of being an introvert considering you sensitive. But it does make sense that we are a little bit.

Here is what The Highly Sensitive Person is about.

The Highly sensitive person is a great book to help figure out what exactly you’re sensitive to. Once you figure out what exactly you are sensitive to then it helps you figure out how to work around that sensitivity.

Even though I don’t like the idea of being sensitive I do like the idea that this book takes you through figuring out what you’re sensitive to. It seems to walk you through how to fix it and not a lot of self-help books seem to do that.

If you’re interested in this book you can find it below.

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Introverted Mom

books about introverts

I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am about finding out about Introverted Mom. I’m not a huge fan of non-fiction and self-help books but this is one I actually need to check out.

I can’t even begin to explain the amount of guilt that I felt over the past couple of years. My introverted personality has become a thing of not really wanting to get out of the house. Hiding is not what I want for my son or for myself.

Here is what Introverted Mom is about.

Introverted Mom is a book that talks about the guilt that some of us introverted mothers feel when it takes a lot out of us to take our kids out. This is a book that I’m probably going to have to check out. I can’t even begin to explain how many times I have felt guilty because I didn’t really want to leave the house but my son did.

Introverted mom is the perfect book for those who are in the same boat as me! If you’re interested in it then you can find it through the links below.

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The Happiness Project

books about introverts

I get that just because you are an introvert doesn’t mean that you aren’t happy. So, why am I adding it to the list of books about introverts?

Even though some are okay with who they are, there are some of us who aren’t. It’s not that we aren’t okay with being introverted. It’s just that society teaches us to want more and be more. With this being an extroverted world we have to exhaust ourselves into being like them.

Here is what The Happiness Project is about.

The Happiness Project teaches happiness. It goes through different cultures and how those other cultures are able to make themselves happy.

I love that The Happiness Project gives examples from different cultures. There is no right way or wrong way to be happy but looking at other cultures can maybe help you as well.

If you’re interested in this book you can find it through the links below.

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I honestly wish that extroverts would read Quiet as well. This book will make so many people realize how undervalued we are. Just because we are quiet does not mean that we can’t do things.

Honestly, I see Quiet as being a good book for introverts because it will make them realize that they are valued. Maybe it will make them value themselves as well.

Here is what Quiet is about.

Quiet is a very informative book that talks about how introverts are undervalued. Because they are undervalued a lot of people are missing out on what they can do. To prove her point she includes several successful introverts.

If you are interested in Quiet then you can find it through the links below.

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Books with Introverted main characters

I know most of these books are for young adults. If you like YA books then great! I will be doing more research for those who enjoy more adult fictional books.


When Fangirl first came out I had seen it almost everywhere. So many people were reading this book and I love it.

Fan girl is probably going to be one I’ll have to read soon. I can kind of relate to Cath because I grew up just like her. Granted I never wrote fan fiction but I was always shy and I always lost myself in music.

When it was time to go to college I was a nervous wreck just like her!

Here is what Fangirl is about.

Cath is a huge fan of Simon Snow. You would pretty much call her a fangirl. Her twin sister has grown out of it and is kind of embarrassed by Cath’s obsession. Now that they are about to head to college Cath’s sister doesn’t want to be her roommate. Now Cath has to get out of her comfort zone, but can she survive without her sister holding her hand?

If you’re interested in this book you can find it through the links below.

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The Perks of Being a Wallflower

To be honest I really don’t like the movie adaptation of The Perks of Being a Wallflower. There’s just so much more to the book and Charlie.

I know a lot of readers always say this, but there is a reason. One is that Charlie doesn’t only deal with being an introvert. He also deals with severe depression and I don’t think the movie really covers this well.

The book can be hard to read at times because it doesn’t take long to realize that it doesn’t take much to lose yourself. It helps to have people you love by your side though.

Here is what The Perks of Being a Wallflower is about.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower follows Charlie’s journey through letters. After losing someone close to him he’s stuck between living life to not really wanting to be there anymore. His journey follows his life through making friends and a few troubling things that have happened in his life.

If you’re interested in this book then you can find it through the links below.

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Dear Evan Hansen

After doing research on books about introverts I have found multiple books that I want to try reading. Dear Evan Hansen is one of those books that I just have to read.

It’s actually kind of surprising that this is the first time I’m hearing about it but I guess it’s better sooner rather than later.

I couldn’t imagine having to go through the lengths of Evan just to feel like someone really cares about you. Even though he pretty much lies in the end I would hate to see what the other family thinks of him once they find out the truth.

Here is what Dear Evan Hansen is about.

Evan Hansen is dragged into a family’s grief after finding a letter that wasn’t meant to be seen. After feeling unimportant he now finally feels like he’s needed. But how long will that last?

If you are interested in this book you can find it through the links below.

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Where’d you go Bernadette

So I’m a little wishy-washy about this book. I’m nowhere near as bad as Bernadette when it comes to being an introvert. I also don’t run away from my problems either.

There have been times when I wish I could take a trip on my own just to get away from my family a little bit but I would never run away. Understandably I know there are a lot of others who probably would. We all need some time to ourselves.

Not only that but a lot of us are so close to a meltdown that it’s not even funny.

Here is what Where’d you go Bernadette is about.

When Bee earns a family trip after her good grades Bernadette pushes herself into the preparations for the trip. After being thrown into a life that she didn’t really want she’s on the verge of a meltdown. After an after-school fundraiser goes really wrong, Bernadette disappears only to let her family pick up the pieces.

If you’re interested in this book you can find it through the links below.

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Eliza and her Monsters

It has been a while since I have read Eliza and her Monsters. However, I do remember enjoying it when I did.

Growing up I remember being just like Eliza. The only difference is that I never really thought about making a webcomic. Some of the things I read in these YA books I wish I would have thought about when I was in high school.

I think I would have loved hiding behind a computer and being able to do something that I loved.

Here is what Eliza and her monsters are about.

In real life, Eliza is shy, awkward, and friendless. Online she’s a very popular, but anonymous, author of a webcomic series. She doesn’t think that the real world could ever be as interesting as her online world.

When Wallace gets transferred to her school he just thinks she’s a huge fan of the webcomic. As he gets closer to her things start to unravel a bit.

If you’re interested in this book you can find it through the links below.

Amazon | Bookshop

Some of these books about introverts are non-fiction to help introverts shine. The other books are fiction that will help some introverts feel less alone. Let me know in the comments some of your favorite books with introverted main characters.

If you like this post then you may enjoy my inspirational books posts.

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