Books Contemporary Thriller YA

Fight Like a Girl by Sheena Kamai [book review]

Fight Like a Girl book

Book: Fight Like a Girl

Author: Sheena Kamai

Published: March 10, 2020

Publisher: Penguin Teen

Genre: YA Contemporary

Pages: 272

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About Fight Like a Girl:

Sometimes family dysfunction and poison is passed on from generation to generation like the color of your eyes. Trisha’s trying to break the chain by channeling her anger into Muay Thai Kickboxing. Her father is in and out of her life and abuses her mother. He at least did until the day he walks in front of a car that Trisha is driving. Oddly enough her mom seems at peace with it. Will their life get better now that he’s gone?

Fight Like a Girl

What I thought:

I kind of feel like I was tricked by this book. When I read the synopsis I thought this was going to be a thrilling book. On top of that, I love the cover. So I thought this was going to be a really thrilling read and would grab my attention.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case with this book. I kind of feel like the blurb is very misleading. To me, it seemed like the focus was going to be on Trisha and how her father was killed. Instead, it focuses on her and her fighting. It also covers how toxic her mother is even without her father there. Don’t get me wrong though. That is fine but I was expecting something else and I wish I had gone into the story knowing this wasn’t going to be the main focus as I had thought.

The blurb makes it sound like her father’s death is the main focus. I thought the story was going to be like the tell-tale heart and Trisha was going to feel guilty for what had happened. But nope!

However, I do recommend readers read it. Who knows you may like Trisha’s journey dealing with her mother and father, but for me, this is a solid three-star book.

If you like books with stong female leads then you may like the books here too.

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