Books Thriller

My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing

My Lovely Wife

Book: My Lovely Wife

Author: Samantha Downing

Narrator: David Pittu

Published: March 26, 2019

Publisher: Berkley Books

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 390

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My Lovely Wife summary:

My lovely Wife is a thriller by Samantha Downing. This book follows a married couple. They have been married to each other for fifteen years. They have two wonderful kids and they live in a perfectly normal neighborhood. But this couple is far from normal. When they get a little bored with their relationship they have to keep things alive. Their thing just so happens to be killing.

My Lovely Wife
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about My Lovely Wife:

This book follows a husband and wife who have been married for fifteen years. Their relationship is getting a little bit boring. In order to keep things alive, they start doing things that no normal person would consider doing. I’m pleasantly surprised by how much I loved this book. It just so happens to be one of my favorite books so far this year!

The Characters

I can’t for the life of me remember what the main character’s name is. Maybe we never even got his name. But my Lovely Wife follows the husband in the relationship. We get his thoughts on all that’s going on in his relationship and what they do. 

They have two teenage kids. One of them a girl and the other a boy. There’s a point in the story where their son, Rory, realizes something is going on but he completely misses the mark. I love love love the characters in My Lovely Wife. Granted Rory kind of gets on my nerves. He’s a cocky little kid and there are times I just wanted to slap him in the face. 

But I liked all of the other characters. They are three-dimensional characters and I kind of wanted to know more about them. Samantha Downing does such a great job of making you have a love-hate relationship with all of the characters.

The Plot

I know I get a little repetitive with my reviews but I can’t help it sometimes, so I’m going to kind of repeat myself here. I love love love the plot of this book. When reading My Lovely Wife doesn’t think too much about the plot or about what’s going on in the book. To me, this is the type of book that you shouldn’t put a lot of thought into, or else you might end up disappointed. It’s a fun read that will really leave you shocked at the ending as long as you listen to what I just said! 

The story really has no slow parts to it. At least not to me. It kept my attention because I really wanted to know if they would get caught. Will someone find out what their extracurricular activity is?

There is one thing that bothers me with this book. How exactly do their kids not put two and two together? I get not knowing at first. On top of that you really don’t want to think badly of your parents. When you have really good parents that’s obviously not where your mind is going to go. But when things are starting to show up on the news and your parents are a little spacy then you would think it would at least cross their mind. Despite that one little thing I still really loved the book and the little surprise at the ending.

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