Books Horror

A Little Bit Psycho by J. L Strange [Book review]

A Little Bit Psycho

Book: A Little Bit Psycho

Author: J. L. Strange

Published: October 28, 2019

Publisher: Self Published

Genre: Horror/Psychological thriller

Pages: 281

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A Little Bit Psycho book summary:

A Little Bit Psycho is a psychological thriller by J.L. Strange. It follows Kathrine Powers and her journey. Kathrine Powers is terminally ill and no doctor is really able to save her. There’s nothing in the medical field that can help her except to try and help her be more comfortable. But her husband guarantees that he will be able to save her with a procedure he’s been doing for years. But this procedure isn’t safe.

Not only that it isn’t safe no one knows what he’s been doing except for a small group of people. But Katherine chooses to live expecting her husband to get it right this time. When Kathrine wakes up after the surgery she’s in a hospital she didn’t recognize. Her husband isn’t near her and she soon realizes she’s in a man’s body. A body she didn’t choose.

She takes on the life of her new body while she tries to find her husband. She has to find him and make sense of what has happened. Is there anyone she can trust with this secret? Can she even trust herself?

A Little Bit Psycho
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought about A Little Bit Psycho:

So, I ended up getting this book through Booksirens for free for an honest review. I’m really glad I ended up picking this book up. What attracted me to this book to start off with is the cover. The cover looks amazing and creepy so it really did catch my attention. So once I read the description I really did have to get my hands on this book.

I mean the idea of being able to save those that are terminally ill is an awesome idea but of course doing it legally. Nothing in this book is being done legally and it’s kind of fun getting to see what all Katherine’s husband is willing to go through in order to make this medical breakthrough.

The premise of A Little bit Psycho is great! I don’t think I could imagine my husband doing a procedure on me and putting me in a man’s body. Just imagine what it would take for Kathrine to have to get use to her new body and in the wrong gender for that matter. And what if something goes wrong with Kathrine’s brain after it gets put into another body? Is there a way for it to stay the same way it was before? And how would someone normally feel if their husband wasn’t there once they woke up after the procedure? I know I would be pissed!

A Little bit Psycho is actually a pretty creepy novel. J.L. Strange does a great job making the characters believable and make the plot worth reading. The book pretty much hooked me from the beginning and I had a hard time putting it down. I was wanting to know what was going to happen. How would Katherine handle things? Would the procedure work on her? And if the procedure worked then how would Katherine function being in a completely new body. Even if she was in a woman’s body I still would consider it hard to get accustomed to everything.

I’m really excited to read more books by J.L. Strange. Especially if the books are just as good as this one and would be able to keep my attention throughout the book. Make sure to leave me a comment below and tell me what you think about thrillers like this! What do you guys think about a doctor being able to do a procedure like this for those that are terminally ill? Do you think something like this should be legal and if so why?

How do you guys feel about someone who is able to put your mind in someone else’s body?

If you enjoyed this review then check out my review for The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel.

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2 thoughts on “A Little Bit Psycho by J. L Strange [Book review]

  1. Sarah

    I haven’t read many psychological thrillers but this one sounds like it would be quite good. I love books that get you right from the beginning and take you for a ride for the rest of it. I Will have to add this one to my TBR.

  2. […] I added A Little Bit Psycho to my best books of 2020 list because it really deserves some love. This is a unique thriller that really piques your interest. I constantly wondered what was going to happen to Katherine and what exactly was she going to do. If you’d like to read my review of this book you can find it here. […]

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