Books Fantasy

Forget Me Not by Alexandra Oliva

Forget Me Not

Book: Forget me not

Author: Alexandra Oliva

Published: March 2, 2021

Publisher: Ballantine Books

 Genre: Thriller/Science Fiction

Pages: 352

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Forget Me Not book summary:

Linda Russell was born for all the wrong reasons. Growing up Linda was forced to raise herself on a 20-acre land. Her escape was exploring the land and woods. Her mother was really the best woman. Since she birthed Linda only to replace a daughter that died in a tragic accident, it ended up bringing up resentment. Now as a woman she emerges in a world that revolves around social media. This is supposed to bring people together but it only makes Linda lonelier. It doesn’t help that social media is constantly bringing up her past and makes her scared to even leave her home. 

When Linda meets her awesome new neighbor she is introduced to a way to escape her reality. But will Linda’s new neighbor turn on her when she quickly realizes who she is?

Forget Me Not
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Rating: 2 out of 5.

What I thought about Forget Me Not:

So, I obviously got an advanced copy of this book and I really don’t even remember requesting it. Forget Me Not isn’t exactly something I typically read but the synopsis does really sound good. When I got the chance to read it I was pretty excited but I was wrong completely wrong..

The Characters

I’m going to start off by saying that I like Linda. She’s a really cool character that actually has a reason to be a shut-in. The best part is that she has people around her that want her to get out and actually enjoy herself. What kind of life do you really have if you stay home all of the time? But I do kind of find myself confused by her.

In the book, she’s called a clone but then there are times when it’s explained that her mother used frozen eggs to have her. So is she a clone or was she just conceived in a different but completely normal way? Is this people’s way of making fun of her? If her mother’s eggs were used then why does this constitute her as a clone? Maybe I’m just looking too deep into it but this was weird and wasn’t exactly explained very well.

The Plot

The Plot is another thing that bothers me. I ended up finding the book a bit dull and slow granted it did pick up towards the end. There’s a lot of revolvement around the VR system and it kind of makes you think that there’s going to be some sort of surprise that ties in the VR system. That ends up not being the case which makes me feel like the VR system has way too much space in this story. I get that it’s her escape but it kind of made the book boring. There’s no action in the story until maybe the last twenty percent of the book. 

I hate that this book ended up not being my thing!

What book were you excited for but didn’t exactly live up to your expectations?

If you enjoyed this post make sure to check out my review for We Could Be Heroes!

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2 thoughts on “Forget Me Not by Alexandra Oliva

  1. Lindsey

    Ah no, I’m so sorry this was a let down. The synopsis does sound cool but really doesn’t sound like it was carried off too well. Great review though.

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      Thank you. I always feel bad when I requested a book off of netgalley and end up not liking it.

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