Books Thriller

Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay [book review]

Every Last Fear

Book: Every Last Fear

Author: Alex Finlay

Published: March 2, 2021

Publisher: Minotaur Books

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 368

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Every Last Fear summary:

Every Last Fear is a thriller book by Alex Finlay. It is about a family being made infamous by a true-crime documentary after their son, Danny, is sent to jail. When most of the family is found dead and leaving two of their surviving sons to figure out what happened to them. This incident puts them in the limelight AGAIN and makes those on the outside wonder if Matt’s older brother, Danny, is the reason that they are dead. After all the true-crime documentary was about him. Will the police be able to find out who did it? Or will the fans of the documentary blame Matt and Danny for their death?

Every Last Fear
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about Every Last Fear:

Every Last Fear has multiple POVs (point of view) but a majority of the time it follows Matt. His older brother is in jail and we get a lot of views on what everyone thinks about him being in there. Is he innocent or is he guilty? You’ll never know until you read the book.

The Characters

Throughout the story you get to follow Matt and his entire family, that is before they were killed. So, you get an idea of what they were doing and what exactly lead to them being killed. I do have to say that I feel really bad for Matt’s character. All that he goes through beforehand and then the extreme guilt he ends up having once his family is gone is sad. No one should have to go through that especially after what happened in the past!

I have to say that I really like Matt’s character. I don’t exactly agree with some of the things that he does but his character jumps off the page. Too many thrillers have super flat characters that don’t exactly do well. Alex does exceptionally well when it comes to multiple POVS because none of the characters really fall flat like you think they would. 

I hate the relationship that the parents have with their children, but I still love them personally. They work well together. Even though they have gone through a pretty rough time and make mistakes along the way they are still pretty awesome characters.

The Plot

There are times when I actually did find the book a little slow. I know for most books it’s kind of hard to keep a book fast-paced through the entire story. The slow parts don’t exactly bother me though and the story quickly picks up later. The only thing that I hated when it came to the plot and the characters is the relationship between Matt and his father. Danny getting sent to jail seemed to destroy their father more than anyone else and it ultimately consumed him. This didn’t exactly help his relationship with all of his kids, but I can’t say that I blame him for that. I just wish they all had a better relationship. 

I’m so happy that I got to read and review this book before its release date. I do want to state that I got an advanced copy in no way that affects my review!

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2 thoughts on “Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay [book review]

  1. Lindsey

    Ooh this sounds like a really enjoyable book. It’s great that the characters were good enough to stand on their own even if certain aspects/relationships didn’t work for you. Great review!

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      You have no idea how excited I was to be approved for this one on Netgalley!

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