Books Horror YA

You May Now Kill the Bride by R.L. Stine [book review]

You May now Kill the Bride

Book: You May Now Kill The Bride

Author: R. L. Stine

Pages: 352

Published: July 24, 2018

Publisher: Harper Teen

Genre: YA Horror

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You May Now Kill the Bride summary:

You May Now Kill the Bride follows two Fear families divided by time. We get to follow both families as they are about to have a wedding. Is it a chance that both families are having their wedding in the same vicinity 100 years apart? As both families are getting ready for the big day they manage to find a connection through time. But if you know the Fear family at all then you know they are cursed and both weddings aren’t going to go as planned.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about You May Now Kill the Bride:

It really has been a long time since I’ve read anything by R.L. Stine but since I found out he started writing again I had to start picking up his recent books. If you enjoy middle-grade horror books then you should check out my review for It’s the First Day of School…Forever! That’s another book by R. L. Stine and reads so much like Goosebumps even though it’s not a part of the series.

As a kid, I loved reading R. L. Stine’s books. He was my first favorite author and this book did not disappoint. I grew up reading the Goosebumps books and watching the show so I may be a little biased when it comes to his books. They would always really give me the creeps and scared me half to death. I guess that’s the plus of liking scary books. I have always really enjoyed a good scare.

You May Now Kill the Bride
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The plot

I loved You May Now Kill the Bride from beginning to end and I had a hard time putting it down. There are few parts that are a little predictable but most of his books are like that. Some areas I kept having to guess on, and I kept wondering if Harmony was going crazy because of her sister going missing or if there was a reason she was seeing what she was seeing. The ending is good and explains a lot of the things that was going on in the book. I’m definitely excited to read more of his books that are coming out.

R.L. Stine does a great job mixing the past with the present and makes you wonder what’s going to happen next. Typically, I don’t like many books that take place in the past. I think that’s mostly because authors want to make it authentic as possible. Don’t get me wrong I understand why but I do kind of hate the language barrier. With books that take place in the past, I always feel like I’m reading a Shakespeare book. If that ends up being the case, then I’m really going to dread reading a book and I will more than likely not finish it.

I’m glad that he’s now making more fear street and Goosebump books. I don’t know if any of you guys know but there is going to be a Fear Street movie. The Fear Street movie is one that I’m definitely excited about. The Fear Street novels are for young adults and You May Now Kill the Bride is the most recent installment. This one is about A woman getting married and something goes terribly wrong.

You May Now Kill the Bride ending is really good to! Usually, R. L. Stine is able to surprise me with how he ends things for the most part.

If you have interest in YA horror, make sure to check out my list of YA horror books that’ll be sure to give you a scare. Since R. L. Stine does middle grade books as well then make sure to check out my list of middle grade horror books.

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12 thoughts on “You May Now Kill the Bride by R.L. Stine [book review]

  1. Tasha

    Interesting review. I don’t read much horror.

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      Horror definitely isn’t for everyone.

  2. DJ Sakata

    Glad you liked it

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      Thank you! 🙂

  3. Nikkole

    I can’t believe I didn’t know there were new Fear Street books coming out. This is so exciting! I’m off to see what I can find at the library. Thanks for the post!

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      No problem! I actually think he has another Fear Street book coming out sometime in the next couple of months. I can’t remember when it is coming out.

  4. Heidi

    The cover is kind of creepy! LOL

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      It is! R. L. Stine always finds the best person to do his covers.

  5. Nikki @ Saturday Nite Reader

    I have a confession: I don’t think I ever read an R.L. Stine book?! I know, I know!!! Ahhhhh I was a scaredy cat kid so anything called Goosebumps wasn’t for me. I realize how utterly silly that sounds.

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      Haha. Goosebumps actually scared me as a kid but I still ended up reading them.

  6. Entertainingly Nerdy

    Thank you!

  7. Anna @ The Bursting Bookshelf

    I’ve never heard of this book before, but I think I’m going to have to go see if my library has it. Great review!

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