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Horror Books by black authors


Are you a horror fan and have been wanting to diverse your books a little bit? Today’s post is all about horror books by black authors. I have been wanting to do a post that revolves around horror books by black authors for a while now. Horror is one of my favorite genres but it’s not that often I actually come across a horror book by a black author. I’m not completely sure if there just aren’t many who write in this genre or if there just aren’t many who are published yet. But I am determined to read more by authors who aren’t white.

It’s time for that to change. Granted most of the time I don’t really pay attention to the author and just pick up what sounds good and a cover that really catches my attention. Turns out that that’s a bit of a bad habit because when I do this most of the books I pick up are by white authors. But I do think it helps to know that the genre really is mostly filled with white authors. So there are times when it’s a little hard to find books here by authors that aren’t white.

Horror books by black authors

Why write this post?

I feel like POC authors need to start thriving in this genre because I know there are some out there who actually enjoy the genre. I know there are some who really want to write in the genre but don’t have the courage to push themselves with it.

There’s a good chance that they just aren’t getting promoted as well as they should be. Either way, this is why we should make a habit of seeing who the author is.

Why read horror books by black authors?

Horror is a very male-dominated genre. On top of that, I do kind of feel like it is a very white-dominated genre. There’s nothing completely wrong with that but I do wish the genre would diversify a little more. I’m not completely sure if I’m not looking hard enough or if there aren’t many who want to write horror. With that being said I do want to start supporting more black authors. And if we start supporting them more then maybe more will start writing in this genre.

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Horror Books by Black Authors

Hopefully, some of these books are ones that will catch your interest quickly. I would love to hear your thoughts if and when you read some of these books.

The Good House

horror books by black authors

Angela Toussaint is working to rebuild her law practice after her son commits suicide. When she heads to the house where he committed suicide she’s hoping to find answers. Instead, she discovers an evil force that’s making the locals act violent.

So, I actually discovered The Good House through a horror group that I follow on Facebook not that long ago. I really enjoy haunted house stories so I can’t wait to start on this one.

The Good House is a book that I want to bring to everyone’s attention because it sounds so good and I can’t help but be a little excited about it. Make sure you subscribe to my newsletter because I’m hoping to get to it soon and if you’re wanting to see my review of it then that might be the only way you see it!

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Crescendo: Welcome Home, Death Awaits

horror books by black authors

James Adams lived a normal life in New York. That is until the demons within wake up and prophesize his future.

I just heard about this as I was researching horror books by black authors. I’m a huge fan of anything paranormal. I don’t know what it is about them but they are the ones that I lean more towards anymore.

That’s probably because I don’t really care for books with a lot of gore. Not that gore really bothers me I just don’t like books that rely on gore to progress a book.

I’m hoping I can get to this one soon because it does sound good!


Slice of Cherry

Kit and Fancy Cordelle are sisters and best friends. That’s okay though because they are the daughters of the Bonesaw Killer and are used to being outsiders. In Portero, there are others who are weird and more dangerous than they are. So, it’s no surprise when the sisters start to give in to their darkest secrets.

Once I found out about this one I immediately added it to my Amazon cart. Like I said earlier make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter so you can get my review for it!

I’m not sure what it is about books that kind of deal with serial killers that automatically grab my attention but Slice of Cherry sounds so good. I just can’t wait to get to it! I think it helps that I kind of like the cover of it too!

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The Forgotten Child

When Riley Thomas accidentally released a bad ghost when she was thirteen after playing with an ouija board she hasn’t dealt with anything scary since. That includes horror movies, haunted houses, and graveyards. Twelve years later her best friend forces her to go to a ranch where a serial killer lived. Is Riley prepared to run into ghosts while there?

So I read The Forgotten Child a couple of years back and Melissa quickly became one of my favorite authors. I completely related with the main character and she’s very likable. On top of that, the plot of the story is pretty fast-paced.

I recommend this book for those of you who want to get into horror but aren’t sure where to start. The story does have creepy aspects to it but it’s not one of those hard-core horror novels that tend to push people away. I highly recommend The Forgotten Child!

If you want to read more books by her you can find them here.

Amazon | Bookshop

I hope some of these books catch your interest. If you do read some of these horror books by black authors then let me know what you think about them! Are there any books that I missed? Make sure to leave a comment on some of the books that I may have missed because I would love to check them out!

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2 thoughts on “Horror Books by black authors

  1. Christine @ Captivated Reading

    Oh my goodness–You’ve got some great recs on here! The Forgotten Child–I NEED this book!
    But The Good House is going on my TBR, too.
    Thanks for the recs!

    1. Kaili

      Definitely read The Forgotten Child! It is one of my favorites that I discovered when I first started blogging!

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