Books Horror YA

Give Me a Kill by R.L. Stine [book review]

Give Me a Kill

Book: Give Me a Kill

Author: R.L. Stine

Published: April 4, 2017

Publisher: St. Martins Press

Genre: YA Horror

Pages: 281


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Give me a Kill summary

Heather Wyatt just transferred to Shadyside. She was a cheerleader at her old school and wants to join the team here as well. But there’s another who stands in her way and that’s a rich and spoiled girl named Devra Dalby. The Competition is anything but friendly and ends up in murder. Will either of them be able to join?

What I thought

So, I know many of you know that I’m a big R.L. Stine fan. I use to read his books all of the time. A part of me kind of wants to get in the habit of reading his books again. I miss the feeling I use to get from them especially as I was just starting out in the horror genre.

R.L. Stine’s stories are always really fast-paced. I think his books are great at keeping your interest in the story and making you wonder what is going to happen next. Granted he does have a few stories that are a bit predictable.

Give Me a Kill

I picked up Give Me a Kill not only because it is by R.L. Stine but the premise caught my attention. Granted a lot of his books catch my attention. I think it helps that I always really enjoy the covers. They are always all well done and interesting. In a way, I’ve already covered how I feel about the plots of his books. It’s no different with Give Me A Kill. The pacing of the story is really well done. There are aspects of the story that are pretty creepy and I wanted more.

My only issue is that some of the characters are mildly annoying which is common with a lot of R.L. Stine’s books. Considering the book is aimed towards young adults and that’s okay. I do have to say that the ending was a big surprise. You’ll just have to read the book to find out!

If you’re a fan of R.L. Stine then you might enjoy Don’t Stay Up Late.

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