Books Thriller

The Elizas by Sara Shepard [book review]

The Elizas

Book: The Elizas

By: Sara Shepard

Published: April 17, 2018

Publisher: Atria Books

Pages: 352

Genre: Thriller

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The Elizas Book Summary

When Eliza Fontaine was found at the bottom of a pool her family thinks its another failed suicide attempt. But she is positive that she was pushed. She takes it upon herself to find out what happens. As memories unfold she starts mixing things up with what happened in her book. But her book was based on fiction right?

What I thought

I picked up The Elizas when I checked out Pretty Little Liars. The cover caught my attention and thrillers always catch my attention.

I’m not sure what it is about thrillers where the main character forgets things that always grab my attention very quickly. I think it’s getting to find out what exactly is happening as the main character and potentially getting thrown off from what I think is about to happen. I do have to say this book reminds me a lot of Pretty Little Liars. Yes, I know it is by the same author but there are a lot of similarities.

Despite that, I still really enjoyed the book. I loved finding out what exactly happened to her and if she’d be able to remember anything.

My only thing is that I kind of wish there was an explanation as to what exactly was wrong with her aunt. There’s a little bit of explanation but not a lot. I can’t really believe that this is the first time I’m hearing about this book, but I’m glad that I did. The story keeps your interest and makes you guess what’s going to happen.

The story is fast-paced and throws you for a loop. There are several parts that kind of surprised me and wondered what was going to happen next. I can’t wait to start reading more books by Sarah.

If you’re wanting more YA thrillers to read check out some of my favorites here.

What are some of your favorite thrillers?

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2 thoughts on “The Elizas by Sara Shepard [book review]

  1. Christine @ Captivated Reading

    I’ve been reading quite a few more thrillers lately–not my usual genre, either. But, I’m really enjoying them. I think I’ll check out more of your recs, too. 🙂

    1. Kaili

      I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

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