Books Thriller YA

Killing Time by Brenna Ehrilich [book review]

Killing time

Book: Killing Time

Author: Brenna Ehrilich

Published: March 8, 2022

Publisher: Inkyard Press

Pages: 336

Genre: YA Thriller

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Killing Time book summary

Natalie Temple lives in Ferry, Connecticut where the days are long during the summer. Most days are spent lazily on the beach or partying in abandoned mansions. Natalie isn’t one for beaches or partying so the true crime-loving girl latches on to the death of her favorite teacher. There’s no way she’s going to sit back and let rumors fly. As she digs deeper into the situation she finds some darker secrets that some didn’t want her to know.

Killing Time

What I thought:

So, I can’t really remember what exactly pulled me toward this book. Don’t get me wrong the cover is okay but it’s not one that would really grab my attention. It just doesn’t stand out to me even though I know it will stand out for others. I guess the synopsis really sold me because there have been numerous times I didn’t pick up a book just because of the cover alone.

I know I know, I really shouldn’t do it. Some of the best books have some of the worst covers (again I’m not saying this cover is bad). I am glad that I took the chance on this book because I haven’t read a book as fast as this one in a while.

Killing Time kept my attention because the story is really fast-paced. There are a lot of twists and turns in the story that really grabbed my attention. Lately, thrillers have been really hit or miss for me. That’s mostly because most of the ones I’ve been reading have been slow-burn thrillers. A lot of the time slow burns ARE NOT my favorites. I lean more towards fast pace novels.

That’s the perk of Killing Time. I feel like the story packs the punches through the whole story. The ending was a bit mind-blowing to me because I really wasn’t expecting it. Most of the time I can kind of guess how the story is going to end but not with this one.

The characters are very well done and stand out. I’m really glad that Natalie changes her perspective on true crime the further we get in.

For me, Killing Time is a solid three-star book! Are you a fan of true crime books?

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