Books Horror YA

Party Games by R.L. Stine [book review]

Party Games

Book: Party Games

Author: R.L. Stine

Published: September 30, 2014

Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin

Genre: YA Horror

Pages: 277

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Party Games book summary

Party Games by R.L. Stine follows Rachel Martin. She has a crush on Brendan Fear, but he’s never really paid attention to her. That is until recently when he invites her to one of his famous parties. Her friends are telling her not to go because he’s a Fear. They have a bad reputation. She decides to go anyways and at first, she has fun. That is until someone is found dead

Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought

I’m so happy that my local library had this book. I grew up on R.L. Stine books. After watching the Fear Street movies on Netflix it kind of sparked my interest in the books again. I’m honestly glad that it did! I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the books. If you decide to read these books make sure you realize they aren’t like the movies. On top of that, they are cheesy at times.

The character(s)

Like I said these stories are a bit cheesy. On top of that so are the characters. I always feel like most of R.L. Stines’s characters are overdramatic compared to kids now. Then again these stories were written at a different time. And even back then they were a bit cheesy. I still really like Rachel’s character though. At her age, I could see myself doing something as dumb as her. Then again my introverted self would have talked myself out of going to a party. to be honest I like the whole cheesiness of the characters and the plot. But that could be because I grew up on the books.

The plot

Even though the stories are cheesy they are still pretty good. I have always loved the fast pacing of R.L. Stine’s and Party Games was definitely fast-paced. I think I would be pissed about the whole situation though. I won’t go into details but the way things happen at the part would make me so mad. That’s the good thing about reading Stine’s books. They always evoke some sort of emotion out of me whether it’s anger or shock. It always hits me one way or another.

If you’re looking for other YA horror novels you can find a list of really good ones here.

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