Books Thriller

Every Vow You Break by Peter Swanson [book review]

Every Vow You Break

Book: Every Vow You Break

By: Peter Swanson

Published: March 23, 2021

Publisher: William Morrow

Pages: 308

Genre: Thriller

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About Every Vow You Break

Abigail Baskin never in a million years thought she’d fall in love with a millionaire. Then she meets Bruce Lamb. She loves him but she makes the mistake of having a drunken one-night stand during her bachelorette weekend. She puts the whole thing behind her especially since she doesn’t know his real name and he doesn’t know hers. When Abigail and Bruce make it to their honeymoon Abigail is thrown for a loop when she sees the guy she had a one-night stand with. How did he find out her name? Is he trying to ruin her honeymoon?

Every Vow You Break

What I thought

Every Vow You Break has been on my TBR for a while now and I’m so happy with being able to the audiobook through the library. Thrillers are one of my favorite genres and I have been reading them so much lately. I love books that are fast-paced and keep you on your toes and wondering what’s going to happen next. Thrillers are my “drama” because I don’t want none of that in my life. So this is my little bit of excitement without including it in my day-to-day life.

Every Vow You Break is the type of book that will definitely bring out a fear that some wouldn’t consider after getting married. I know I wouldn’t have considered it. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying Abigail should have cheated. To be honest she never should have married this guy, to begin with, because there were times she doubted it. She should have followed her gut. But that’s something that I can understand because there have been a couple of times where I have talked myself out of something that my gut was telling me.

I can’t begin to explain how mad Every Vow You Break made me. Just AHHHH! There are several things in this book that should have been a big red flag to Abigail and made her run. Just Ugh! Don’t question your gut. When something is weird and strikes you as odd then listen! If I had read this book seven years before I got married then it probably would have made me more alert on any red flags that could have been there.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Books like Every Vow You Break: Her Dark Lies.

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