Books Dystopian YA

All Rights Reserved by Gregory Scott Katsouls [book review]

All Rights Reserved

Book: All Rights Reserved

Author: Gregory Scott Katsouls

Published: August 29, 2017

Publisher: Harlequin Teen

Genre: YA Dystopian

Pages: 400

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All Rights Reserved

All Rights Reserved book summary

All Rights Reserved follows Speth Jime. Once she turns fifteen she has to pay for every word and every gesture. It’s not just her but everyone has to. First, she has to deliver her Last Day Speech to transition her into adulthood. She knows what will happen to her and her family if she falls into huge debt by using words she can’t afford. When her best friend commits suicide instead of striving to pay off his family’s debt she starts to question everything. Her grief cripples her so instead of giving her Last Day Speech she stays silent and vows to stay that way. When this sparks a movement will it destroy her, her family, and the town she lives in?

Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought

So, I discovered All Rights Reserved through the Libby app. I’m so glad that I did! It has been a while since I have read any dystopian novel. Lately, it’s been mostly thrillers and horror so something different was a breath of fresh air. I think it helped that I really enjoyed the story.

The Characters

So, this story follows Speth who turns fifteen in the story. Fifteen is the coming of age in their culture and time. I do kind of wonder if Gregory Scott Katsoulis realizes how talkative young girls are. Yes, there are quiet ones out there, I am one of them but when you’re around people you know and love it’s hard to keep that code of silence. I know it would be hard for me. A lot of kids now have short attention spans so I feel like it would be worse later one. Other than that I really like Speth. I would hate being in her situation, especially with all that could happen to her.

The Plot

I could not imagine having to pay for every word I spoke and every gesture I made. Just imagine how many poor people there would be. I would hate having to think twice about everything I say or do. I can see something like this causing so much depression. It would cause me to have depression anyways. I can always see books like this becoming a reality. At least some version of this story, which is a scary thought. I did find this book pretty fast-paced. The story flows well and will definitely keep your attention.

How would you feel about having to pay for every word you spoke?

If you want more recommendations on YA dystopian novels you can find them here.

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