Books Horror YA

The Lost Girl by R.L. Stine [book review]

The Lost Girl

Book: The Lost Girl

Author: R. L. Stine

Published: September 29, 2015

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Pages: 261

Genre: YA Horror


About The Lost Girl

Lizzy Walker is the new girl at Shadyside High. She’s beautiful, a mystery, and the talk of the whole school. But where does she come from? Where does she live? No one at the school knows anything about her.

Michael finds himself drawn to her and can’t stop thinking about her. The closer that he gets to her the stranger she becomes to him. When he invites her snowmobiling with his friends something terrible happens. It only gets stranger from there.

The Lost Girl Book

What I thought

So, I have been on an R. L. Stine kick over the past couple of months now. Blame Netflix and Disney+ for creating an on-screen adaptation of Fear Street and Just Beyond. They brought up so much nostalgia for me because growing up I use to read his books all of the time. I partly blame my brother for that because he had all of the Goosebumps at the time. It doesn’t help that I’ve grown up wanting to be scared in a healthy and controlled way. R. L. Stine’s books were that outlet for me and now I kind of want that back!

I do have to say that The Lost Girl is probably one of my least favorites by him. Most of his stories typically throw me for a loop. One minute I think I have guessed what is going on and the next I’m proven that my theory is wrong. I can’t remember how many chapters in it was but almost as soon as we got to the present day I pretty much-guessed half of what was going on. I’m usually thrown for more of a loop than that.

On top of that, I can’t easily wrap my mind around Lizzy being friends with her enemy. But maybe I’m letting my own personal feelings get in the way of that. I have a tendency to hold grudges and it feels like others would do the same to some degree. With what Lizzy said and experienced I would have expected the same from her as well. But maybe that’s just me. Other than that the story is still pretty good and fast-paced. Who knows you might not have the same problem as me!

Rating: 3 out of 5.

What books have you read by R.L. Stine? If you’re looking for other recommendations by him you can find one here.

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