Book Discussion Books

December 2021 book releases to add to your TBR


Hey everyone and welcome to Owl Book World. Today I’m bringing you another post of new book releases. This post is all about December 2021 book releases. I not only find this helpful for readers but for me as well. Before doing these types of posts I realized that I missed out on a lot of books that would’ve caught my interest sooner. Not that I really need to buy any more books, but I do like knowing what’s out there and maybe I can eventually get to them.

December 2021 book releases

Do you like looking up books that are coming out soon? I find that if I don’t I miss out on a lot of books that I would have really liked. I get that I can’t read everything but I do like to stay on top of it. Who knows if I wasn’t looking them up then I could potentially be missing out on a lot of books I would have really liked. Or I don’t find out about the book until months or potentially years later.

So, here are December 2021 book releases

The Ballerinas by Rachel Kapelke-Dale (Dec 7)

December 2021 book releases

The Ballerinas follow Delphine, Lindsay, and Margaux. Delphine has always dreamed of being a ballerina. She even had it in her grasp fourteen years ago when she abandoned her solo act with a dark secret in tole. Now 36-year-old Delphine has returned to choreograph a dance in hopes to jumpstart her new career. On top of this, she hopes to make things right with her former friends. But she soon realizes that things have changed and secrets can’t always stay buried.

I’ve honestly been seeing this book everywhere! At least it’s been popping up on my feed a lot. The premise of it does sound good even though it’s hard for me to imagine someone who hasn’t been dancing for a while is able to come back and just start teaching. It seems like the opportunity would go to someone who has been there for a while. Other than that the story sounds good!

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The Hawthorne School by Sylvie Perry (Dec 7)

December 2021 book releases

Claudia Morgan is a single parent to a four-year-old named Henry. Henry is a handful for her and his preschool which leads to her being completely overwhelmed. When she hears about a school with a different method of teaching she has to check them. At first, the school seems good for Henry. His issues go away and he starts acting like a really good kid. That is until he comes home one day talking about a ritual that happened in the woods.

I wish I had known about The Hawthorne School sooner. If I had known I probably would have requested an advanced copy of it! If you have been around for a while then you can tell that I really enjoy thrillers and horror stories and I love the way this one sounds.

I don’t know what it is about creepy (or somewhat creepy) books with creepy children that always grab my attention. Hopefully, soon I will get my hands on this one!

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Count to three by T. R. Ragan (Dec 14)

Count to Three follows Dani Callahan. Five years ago her five-year-old daughter went missing without a trace. This has to lead her to now with a job as a private investigator. She is determined to help other kids and hopes to find her daughter again. When a teenager goes missing they get some clues for the now missing girl. On top of that, she gets some leads from her own daughter.

Count to Three reminds me of a few movies that I watched a couple of years ago. I don’t know what I would do if my son ever went missing or if it would lead me in the direction of Dani. This is a fast-paced thriller book being released on December 14.

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The Sorority Murder by Allison Brennan (Dec 28)

December ya book releases 2021

Not that long ago Candace Swain died. She was a sorority girl who was at a party one night only to disappear. Her case has grown cold but Lucas Vagas is obsessed with what happened to her. As he researches her case he discovers new evidence, but the police aren’t interested. So he creates a podcast in her memory and invites guests to talk about what they remember. When one of the podcasters shows up dead things take a wrong turn.

This is another book I wish I would have known about a lot sooner because I would have seen if I could have gotten an advanced copy of it. Thrillers are the quickest way to grab my attention and I love the cover to is as well!

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What December 2021 book releases are you most excited about?

Make sure to check out releases from past months:

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