Book Discussion Books

November 2021 Book Releases to add to your TBR


Hey everyone and welcome to Owl Book World! Today I’m talking about what November 2021 book releases you should add to your TBR! Some of these I should be starting soon so make sure to sign up for my newsletter so you can get an update on how these books are!

Do you guys like looking up what books come out each month? I hate to say it but most of the time doing these sorts of posts really makes me want to buy more books, but I also really like to stay updated on what books are coming out. Hopefully, once I’m able to get my TBR down some I can start going through some of these books and get them to read as well. I swear the amount of new releases can be a bit overwhelming but that’s why we need to start DNFing (did not finish) books we really don’t like.

November 2021 book releases

So here are just a few November 2021 book releases that should be at the top of your TBR.

November 2021 book releases

Into the Bloodred Woods by Martha Brackenbrough (November 2)

Into the bloodred Woods is a twist of a Brother’s Grimm story in a kingdom with a surrounding forest that eats men. The kingdom is about to go into chaos as the king is dying. He can’t choose which kid to rule so he divides the land so they can rule together. But Albrecht is not happy with just half a kingdom. Even though his sister, Ursula, is the firstborn he deems her unfit to rule. When Albrecht invades her kingdom he kills a lot of her people. Ursula gathers up some of the survivors to fight for her land along with the other half. Can she claim her land back or is Albrecht too strong to overthrow?

Fantasy novels are typically hit or miss for me but I love the sound of this one and can’t wait to read this one!

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November YA book releases

You Can Go Your Own Way by Eric Smith (November 2)

Adam Stillwater knows that those around him would think that he’s way over his head. The pinball arcade is the only thing he has left of his father. Unfortunately, the newest tech mogul wants to turn it into a gaming cafe and Adam wants to make sure they don’t get away with it.

I read Eric Smith’s last book called Don’t Read the Comments so I’m pretty excited to read this one. I’m just glad this one revolves around video games like Don’t Read the Comments. Even though I don’t play video games as much as I use to but I still love them and I love reading books that deal with them even though I do wish there were more books that deal with them around my target audience.

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November 2021 book releases

All her Little Secrets by Wanda M. Morris (November 2)

Ellis Littlejohn has it all. She has an Ivy League law degree, a well-paying job, and great friends. Everything changes when she goes to meet Michael and finds him dead.

Then she walks away like nothing even happened. Why? She has secrets that not many people know about and she can’t be caught in the limelight… again.

When she doesn’t grieve people start gossiping and she’s dragged through the limelight anyways. When she, as the only black lawyer, to replace Michael something doesn’t seem right.

Can she figure out what’s going on?

This book sounds like an edge-of-your-seat thriller. I haven’t been seeing this one around much so hopefully this will bring more attention to other readers.

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Seven Dirty Secrets by Natalie D. Richards (November 2)

Cleo receives an invitation to a scavenger hunt on her eighteenth birthday. She has no idea who it’s from but assumes it’s either from her best friend, Hope, or her brother Connor. Neither one of them confess to it though. When Cleo and Hope start the hunt all of the locations seem really random. It doesn’t take long for the clues to seem familiar. All of the clues seem to be pointing to Cleo’s dead boyfriend. As the clock ticks, Cleo realizes that someone knows what happened to him and will stop at nothing to pay them back.

This is another book that I have an advanced copy of and can’t wait to read. Like I said I love love love thrillers no matter what audience it’s for.

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The Collective by Alison Gaylin (November 2)

Camille Gardner is still grieving five years after her daughter’s death. On top of that, she’s angry and obsessed with the privileged man she thinks is responsible. Her rash actions catch the attention of a secret group called the collective. The group is full of women who all have different stories but they all want the same thing… Justice. All of the women are fueled by rage and they are able to bring the world to justice by conducting revenge killings. Even though Camille wants revenge she struggles to come to terms with what they are doing. Are they avenging angels or monsters?

I love thrillers and this story reminds me of some movies I have watched and enjoyed.

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You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao (November 9)

Julie has her future all planned out. Her plan was to move out of her small town with her boyfriend Sam. She wants to go to college in the city and visit Japan in the summer. When Sam dies, Julie is devastated. She skips out on his funeral and throws everything of his out. She can’t bear to think about him. When the unthinkable happens and she’s able to connect with him again. How does she tell anyone? Will she wind up losing him again?

Whitney Mitchell isn’t sure how she got where she is. Her parents are now divorced. her boyfriend broke up with her. And she lost all of her friends. Now she’s spending her last year of high school running the social media accounts for her father’s gaming cafe.

When Adam and Whitney find themselves stuck in the arcade after a snowstorm they are forced to spend time with each other. Will tensions arise? Or will they resolve their difference?

I just recently got the audiobook for this one and I can’t wait to listen to it. This one is a little bit out of my comfort zone but it sounds so cute.

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All of us Villains by Amanda Foody & Christine Lynn Herman (November 9)

Every generation at the turn of the Blood Moon, seven families name a champion to compete in a tournament to the death.

The prize is to control over a wellspring of high magick. This year is different though. After a tell-all book is released the seven champions are pushed under the limelight.

I have an advanced copy of this book and I CANNOT wait to read it. The blurb sounds so interesting!

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The Unwelcome Guest by Amanda Robson (November 23)

Saffron married the love of her life and they have the perfect marriage. That is up until Saffron’s mother-in-law moves in with them. As the days go on her mother in laws snide comments start getting more sinister. When the nanny shows up, Saffron hopes the worst of it ends. Little does she know her mother-in-law wants a new daughter and she will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

I kind of feel like a lot of married women can kind of relate to The Unwelcome Guest. My mother-in-law isn’t even that bad and I can kind of still relate to the synopsis of this book. I can definitely see this story making a lot of women leery about their mother-in-law!

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Nanny Dearest by Flora Collins (November 30)

Sue Keller isn’t sure what to do with herself. Her father dies suddenly leaving her orphaned in her mid-twenties. Soo after she meets Annie. Even though it has been years she knows that face. She was once Sue’s nanny that loved her like her own. Now that both of Sue’s parents are gone she’s craving that connection again. It doesn’t take long for them to become inseparable again. But as quickly as they get close alarms hit sue’s radar. Something is off about Annie showing back up which makes Sue owner why she was fired in the first place.

So I’m going to be honest Nanny Dearest seems a little weird to me. It’s a cool concept but it is hard for me to imagine something like this happening. I get it though, not all books are based on things that will actually happen.

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November 2021 book releases

You’ll be the death of me by Karen M. McManus (November 30)

Ivy, Mateo, and Cal used to be best friends. Now the only thing they have in common is Carlton High and the start of a very bad day. Ivy is type A, so when she loses a student council she’s embarrassed. It doesn’t help it was to the class clown. Mateo is working two jobs after his parent’s business failed. Cal just got stood up yet again. When Cal shows up to school late he runs into Ivy and Mateo and they realize this is the perfect time to make things better and just skip school.

When they follow another kid who is skipping they end up following him to his death. Who is hiding something that can get them in even more trouble?

I really can’t wait to read this one. I have read most of Karen’s books and I can’t wait to read this one as well. You can check out one of my reviews for her books here.

I think this one is one of my highly anticipated book when it comes to November 2021 book releases.

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If thrillers aren’t your thing then I’m sorry that thrillers are the majority of my November 2021 book releases. The only reason I do this is because I really enjoy thrillers. They are one of my favorite genres so this is in hopes of attracting like-minded readers as well!

What November 2021 book releases have caught your attention?

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3 thoughts on “November 2021 Book Releases to add to your TBR

  1. Jamieadstories

    I love Karen McManus books so will definitely check that one out. Great list!

    1. Kaili

      I hope you enjoy it! I think that particular book was one of my favorites by her!

  2. Sarah

    Great picks! I have Seven Dirty Secrets already on my TBR list and I see several more here that I think I need to add. It’s an ever growing TBR list!

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