Category YA

Legend by Marie Lu [book review]

Book: Legend Author: Marie Lu Published: November 29, 2011 Publisher: Putnam Juvenile Pages: 305 Legend book genre: YA Dystopian Setting: LA (2130) Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads Hey everyone and welcome to Owl Book World! I’m so happy to see…

Lies like Wildfire by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez [book review]

Book: Lies Like Wildfire Author: Jennifer Lynn Alvarez Published: September 7, 2021 Publisher: Delacoret Press Genre: YA Thriller Pages: 384 Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads About Lies Like Wildfire Lies Like Wildfire is a YA thriller by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez.…

Dagger Hill by Devon Taylor [book review]

Dagger HillDevon TaylorPublished by: Swoon ReadsPublication date: August 17th 2021Genres: Mystery, Paranormal, Young Adult Stranger Things meets One of Us Is Lying in this creepy paranormal mystery about four friends who find themselves hunted by a malevolent presence in their…

YA Thrillers you won’t be able to put down

YA Thrillers

Welcome to Owl Book World! I hope everyone is doing okay and hanging in there. I know the past couple of years have been a little tough with COVID and not really being able to do anything. On the plus…