Books Horror YA

The Dead Boyfriend by R.L. Stine [book review]

The Dead Boyfriend

Book: The Dead Boyfriend

By: R.L. Stine

Published: September 27, 2016

Publisher: A Thomas Dunne Book for St. Martin’s Griffin

Pages: 276

Genre: YA Horror

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About The Dead Boyfriend:

The Dead Boyfriend follows Caitlynn who has never been in a real relationship before. That is until she meets Blade. She falls head over heels for him. This leads her to push her friends away even though they warn her not to. But if she puts all of her efforts into him things have to work out right? When she finds him with another girl she’s upset. So upset everything turns red and she snaps. When she comes back to her sense Blad is dead and she killed him. But did she imagine things? If not then how is he staring at her from across a crowded party?

Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about The Dead Boyfriend:

I have been a fan of R. L. Stine ever since I was a little kid. His books are actually what started my love for horror (that is other than my brothers making me watch scary movies with them). As a kid, his books always creeped me out and I always loved how his books ended with a surprise of sorts. And from there my love of horror grew.

The Dead Boyfriend
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The Characters

So, I have mixed feelings about Caitlin. She’s an awesome character and is pretty believable. What bothered me with her is the fact that she’s one of those girls who would readily ditch her friends when a new guy comes along. Those types of friends really suck and are a good way to lose friends fast. With all that she goes through I do wish that she didn’t push them away.

The only thing that bothered me a little bit is how the narrator voices the Fear character. If you have read any of the Fear street books then you know that they are not nice people. This is completely my opinion but I feel like the narrator made her too soft-spoken. You would think she was the nicest person if she didn’t say some of the things she said. I kind of envision her as more loud and snarky. But that’s just me.

The plot

The plot of the story completely caught my attention from the very beginning. Don’t go into any of his stories thinking you won’t be able to guess certain things. Otherwise, you will be disappointed since a lot of his books are predictable in some aspects. To me, they are nostalgia in a book and most of the time I don’t see what’s coming at the end. There are other things I see coming but rarely ever the ending.

I can’t wait to reread more books by R.L. Stine!

Have you guys watched the Fear Street movies on Netflix yet?

If you enjoyed this post then make sure to check out my review for another one of R. L. Stine’s books here!

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2 thoughts on “The Dead Boyfriend by R.L. Stine [book review]

  1. Lindsey

    Ooh it’s good that the predictability worked on a nostalgic level for you. I haven’t come across any of these books before but they sound interesting. Great review!

    1. Kaili

      R.L. Stine was always one of my favorites growing up!

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