Books Contemporary YA

You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao [book review]

You've Reached Sam

Book: You’ve Reached Sam

By: Dustin Thao

Published: November 9, 2021

Publisher: Wednesday books

Pages: 304

Genre: YA Romance/Contemporary

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About You’ve Reached Sam

Julie is seventeen years old and has her future all planned out. First off she wants to move out of her small town with Sam. When she thinks she has her life all figured out Sam dies and everything changes. She’s so heartbroken she skips his funeral and throws all of his stuff out. When she sees a message he’s left in her yearbook a flood of memories starts coming back. In desperate need to hear his voice, she calls his phone one last time. And he picks up the phone. The connection is temporary but she is given her second chance with him.

You've Reached Sam book

What I thought

So, it was kind of a surprise that I picked up You’ve Reached Sam. Typically I’m not really a fan of books with romance. They’re mushy and for some reason make me uncomfortable. Don’t ask me why they make me uncomfortable because I don’t really know. I’ve never understood why I got so bored with them or why they made me cringe a little. I think with this one though it has a lot to do with loss rather than being full-on romance. Otherwise I probably never would have picked it up.

So what exactly made me pick the book up knowing that a good part of the story deals with romance? I don’t know what it is about books that deal with the loss that always grab my attention but they do. I guess dealing with a loss so much as it is I like being able to read about it and feel less alone. Books like this leave a little bit of comfort for some reason.

The only thing I wish was a little different is how Julie’s friend reacted to how she handled her grief. A part of me gets where they are coming from and felt like they were alone with the situation. I also hate that there are people around her that blame her for Sam’s death. It’s not her fault how circumstances fall into place. No one should be blamed on freak accidents.

You’ve Reached Sam makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I love the idea of getting second chances with loved ones. Sad because of how the book ends even though I know why it has to end that way. It’s hard letting go.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Do you enjoy books that might make you a little sad?

If you looking for more contemporary novels make sure to check out The Half-Orphan’s Handbook.

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